Sunday, September 22, 2024

2024 Michiana Mennonite Relief Sale

It's that time of year again, time for the Michiana Mennonite Relief Sale held at the Elkhart County Fairgrounds. I don't have a quilt in the auction this year. I had delivered a flimsy to the long arm quilter, she put it into the frame in July and started the quilting. Then she fell while climbing steps and broke her arm in two places up by her shoulder. All quilting came to a stop while she healed. She is now in physical therapy but quilting hasn't happened yet. That quilt will be donated to next year's auction.

Here is a link for you to view all the quilts in the auction. There are 251 photographed quilts in this year's auction. The Relief Sale supports the programs of MCC.

I have no pictures of my own to share with you today, however, in August, Lynn, Elaine and I attended the AQS show in Grand Rapids Michigan and I took lots of photos. Here are pictures for you to view. This is only a fraction of the quilts there. I'm posting the quilt first then the name card. These are quilts that attracted my attention, not all of them won a ribbon.

Detail from Twilight Garden.

Detail from Flowers in Full Bloom, hand quilting!

Detail from Flower Calendar. This quilt was hand quilted, those little squares are 1/4" in size!

What can I say? I love applique quilts!

I have more pictures but I'll show you them next Sunday. This was enough for today.

Linking to Kathys Slow Stitching Sunday, Stitching Stuff, Oh ScrapSew & Tell, Design Wall Monday


Kim said...

Oh wow! To walk around and view all those stupendous quilts would've been akin to walking amongst greatness. Every single quilt is truly breathtaking.

Maggie said...

Dear Gretchen, Thank you for posting all the beautiful appliqué and hand quilting. It warms my heart to see it. Have a wonderful day, all the beauty and inspiration is just awesome!

Linda said...

What lovely quilts! Your poor quilter, I feel for her. Have a great Sunday!

CathieJ said...

These quilts are gorgeous! Twilight Garden and Flower Promenade are mesmerizing. So is Flower Calendar. Wow! So sorry about your quilter. It takes a while to recover from a shoulder injury.

Gretchen Weaver said...

Lori thought she could start quilting again in October. I question that, if you hold your arm still for 6 weeks - 2 months, you don't have much mobility. Hopefully the therapy will work a miracle.

Chantal said...

I am floored! So much talent and TIME to do these glorious quilts. I'm in awe. Thanks for sharing this wonderful parade of quilts. Okay. I have to go back and look at them again. Enjoy! ;^) P.S. Sending good vibes to your quilter that the healing process goes well. 💕

Nancy @ Grace and Peace Quilting said...

I hope your longarmer recovers soon. That was me, back in December & January, so I know what it's like. Beautiful quilts from the AQS show! I see the Japanese quilters were well represented, with their handwork and attention to tiny details.

Deb A said...

Those are stunning quilts by some amazing quilters. Thank you so much for sharing.

Karrin Hurd said...

Gorgeous quilts, all of them. I love applique quilts too!

Melisa- pinkernpunkinquilting said...

Those are some amazing quilts and the quilting is stunning. I look forward to seeing your entry next year. Enjoy your day.

cityquilter grace said...

lovely fave would be 'remembrance' so poignant and evocative... said...

Such beautiful quilts. I know the maker, Judith Phelps, of Remembrance! She is an amazing thread artist.

Jenny said...

Such beauties here, thanks so much for sharing.