Sunday, September 29, 2024

More Quilts From Grand Rapids

Here are the rest of the quilt pictures from the 2024 AQS show in Grand Rapids.

Starting off is this beauty made by a friend, Joan Brink. She worked on this quilt for many many years, isn't the applique just beautiful!

A close up of these tiny strips. They were only 1/4" wide! Obviously these blocks were foundation paper pieced.

Several guilds had challenges and displayed the quilts from their group. These quilt was designed and quilted by another friend, Kathy Downey

The only thing I purchased at the show (besides my lunch) was this silver thimble. Sorry the picture is slightly blurry.

Linking to Kathys Slow Stitching Sunday, Stitching Stuff, Oh Scrap, Handmade Monday, Sew & Tell, Craftastic Monday, Design Wall Monday, Monday Musings, To Do Tuesday


Linda said...

Looks like you got some great inspiration! Those are some beautiful quilts, but those tiny strips would send me into lala-land.

Kate said...

Such talented quilters. Those are very awesome quilts!

T Holzer said...

Amazing, incredible quilts! I need to learn how to needle turn!!

Angela said...

Wow! What a treat to see these beautiful quilts!