Sunday, September 15, 2024

Blueberry Pie Borders

The borders on my Blueberry Pie quilt won't be completely appliqued, just the corners. However the applique does extend 18 or 20" on each side of the corner.

The first corner is completed and ready to show. I love it!

I wasn't sure about the flower in the point but adding the leaves made the difference.

The pattern for Blueberry Pie is found in the Red, White and Sometimes Blue book but it's not called Blueberry Pie. You'll find it listed as Writer's Block. I thought the name was rather unimaginative so I changed it to reflect the blues used in my quilt.

The pattern in the book does NOT have an applique border, this is my addition. The border is a variation of the center medallion in the Lady Jane pattern, designed by Nancy Rink.

There will be a dark blue border added the outside of the applique border when the applique is finished. 

I was in Wakarusa last week so I took pictures of the quilt garden.

Linking to Kathys Slow Stitching Sunday, Stitching Stuff, Oh Scrap, Handmade Monday, Sew & Tell, Craftastic Monday, Design Wall Monday, Monday MusingsTo Do Tuesday


Podunk Pretties said...

Yes, the applique is gorgeous! Interesting how the lighter color leaves changed the look.

Helenchaffin said...

Such a lovely quilt!,I luv that you tweaked & made it your own

Sarah said...

Looking so good! Beautiful flowers in your local town.

Anonymous said...

Your appliqué is just the perfect way to frame your Blueberry pie! Gail at the cozy quilter

Linda said...

The applique just adds another layer of gorgeousness to this quilt. Thanks to your squirrel-spiration, that book is headed my way - lol!

Kim said...

Oh wow, such a gorgeous quilt in blue and white and the border floral applique is lovely. The floral quilt garden in Wakarusa is a pretty sight.

Kate said...

So very pretty! Definitely worth the extra effort to add the applique.

Nancy @ Grace and Peace Quilting said...

Such vibrant blue appliqué!!! It's gorgeous, Gretchen!!!

Chantal said...

FABulous!! Awesome job! ;^)

CathieJ said...

That appliqued corner is so pretty. What will you be doing with the rest of the borders? Do you have a special quilting pattern planned?

Karrin Hurd said...

The quilt is gorgeous and the quilt garden is lovely. Thanks for showing us!

Jill said...

The leaves are a great addition. Coming along nicely.

Gretchen Weaver said...

I need to applique the other three corners now. Hopefully I'll get working on the next one this week. I haven't thought about how I'm quilting it yet, applique is on my mind right now.

Nanette Chopin Cook said...


Melisa- pinkernpunkinquilting said...

Your border is looking amazing , Gretchen. I have always wanted to try adding applique to the border of a quilt. The quilt garden is beautiful as well. Have a wonderful week.

Lin said...

That applique corner is stunning, perfect for your quilt. Love the flower garden too. xx

Vicki in MN said...

Your applique is stunning! Love the photo of the quilt garden.

Sara said...

Oh my - that border applique is fabulous! Wow!