Our life on the farm hasn't changed much, farmers are fairly isolated to begin with. The cows still have to be milked twice a day, the milk truck comes every other day to pick up the milk and take it to the plant for processing, cow feed is delivered very 10 days and the farmer drives to the mill weekly to pick up bagged feed for the heifers. We're starting to get geared up for spring planting. The fuel truck has come and filled the farm tanks with diesel fuel and gasoline. Seeds have been delivered and planting will begin once the soil is warmer and dry. The alfalfa is greening up and growing, soon we'll start baling hay, hopefully the first of May. Also we've opened the gates so the cows can get down to the permanent pasture. We're very happy when that happens, so are the cows! I think most of the pictures are self explanatory but in case you don't speak cow 'talk' I'll make some comments.
When I went outside, the cows were lined up and waiting. They knew something was going to happen but weren't sure what.
Finally, the gate is opened and they're off!
Get out of the way!
Can you see, these cows are running?
Is this how we will act when the all clear is sounded and we head to our favorite LQS?
Which way should I go?
They always run straight ahead . . .
then turn to the left at the corner of the field, they're still running.
The north side of the pasture grows faster than the south section. There's an electric fence wire running through the field to keep them in the north section.
They don't run through the wire, they turn toward the east again.
They've had a good run, now they need to establish hierarchy in the herd.
The excitement was all over an hour later and they were grazing quietly and peacefully.
Our younger son and his family live in a separate house on our farm. We're trying to keep the grandsons lives as normal as we can. The 3 year old isn't hard but 7 is more challenging.
One of the activities has been to pick up all the sticks that came out of the trees over winter. I sent the sticks home with them, told them they could burn them when their family has their next hot dog roast.
Weekly grocery shopping is not my normal, my last stockup shopping was March 23rd. I have a large chest freezer with plenty of vegetables, meat and fruit. We drink the milk our cows produce and I have my own laying hens. But I did leave the the farm to make a trip to a local seed (seeds as in corn, soybeans, wheat and such) & supply business.
Several years ago the owner's wife added a greenhouse/garden supply business to the original seed & supply. I bought onion starts, broccoli and cabbage plants then planted garden later that day. Guess you could say I went grocery shopping in a way.
I was the only customer and had all the vegetables starts and flowers to myself. I couldn't resist these beauties when I walked passed the display of pansies/violas. A few packs came home with me and I repotted them into a couple of planters.
your lucky to have family right there on the farm and you are the only ones there you can still see each other all the time. I think it is good to be able to shop if no one else is around - I don't particularly like on line shopping and pick up - I'd rather just do it myself and see what I am getting.
Hi Gretchen! I love how the cows greeted you, peeking under the rails of the fence. Who knew it was a RACE to the north field?!! I can't say I've ever seen a cow run, although I haven't spent a lot of time on a farm. I'm definitely a city girl, but my dad was raised on a farm so we always have a fairly large garden in the city. Onions, potatoes, tomatoes, green peppers, beans, cucumbers, etc. The pansies look so pretty - they seem to like the chilly Spring weather. Thanks for linking up this week. ~smile~ Roseanne
Why is it that the cows know something is happening the day they are let out to the pasture in the spring? Our son planted peas and some beans last week. I tried to ell him it is too early for the beans but he said they only planted some of them. We are expecting snow later today or tomorrow.
Hi, The cows seem content once at the pasture...I'm dying to go to the garden center, but haven't got quite brave enough yet. My daffodils are blooming to.. Have a great day!
I watched a reality show where a couple decided to purchase a dairy farm so they could raise their children in safer, calmer conditions. It was a lot of work and a struggle but they made it through the first year. Able to pay bills but not much profit. Looked like a lot of work to me.
What a fun post. I grew up on a very small dairy farm in north central Minnesota, and it brought back a lot of memories. I live in southeast Iowa now, and guess what? We had 3" of snow overnight. We have onions and radishes up, but managed to get them covered on Monday as the weather was not good for this week. It was so windy, we had a hard time getting them covered to stay, but it worked. It will be interesting to see what they look like when it finally warms up again. We have two more nights of below zero here, and another possibility of snow. What happened to spring??
I can imagine how happy your cows were. A UK friend posted a video of his cows coming out of the barn after winter too - the seemed just as happy as yours. Ours get excited at their once a day shift!Lovely to see some spring happening in your part of the world.
My Grand-pere was a dairy farmer; I recall the cows being let out in the Spring...I love seeing them run free...thanks for the reminder...~ ~ ~ waving from julierose
A lovely post to read Gretchen. We too, live on land, but after subdividing, we now only have 2 x 5 acre blocks. Fortunately we sold our heifers and most of our horses before Covid, so now offer our grass to a local chap who cuts it for hay.Lovely for you having family live there also.
Loved your post. I grew up with beef cattle, and they loved a new pasture too. Snorted at the thought of us looking like your cows when the restrictions are lifted... but it will be so true! Thanks for linking to Colour & Inspiration Tuesday and the chuckle.
So much fun! I vaguely remember the cows going to pasture in the spring when we were in Minnesota. In Colorado they stayed outside year round, but we took the baby calves out of the nursery in the spring and watched them learn to run, such great memories. We are looking forward to spring, though at the moment it is snowing, it will turn to rain I think once it warms up a little more. We transplanted all the brassicas yesterday, knowing today would be rainy and cool, perfect for them to get established before some warm, sunny days this week. Glad you all are fine, and that you aren't being encouraged to dump your milk, like some places!
We haven't gotten any order to dump but it might happen, we've received several letters from the coop warning us there's a chance.. The processing plants are the problem, it's not a glut of milk from the farmers. We have found a guy who would be glad for any milk we need to dump to feed his hogs. He has a tank with a hookup that would attach onto the bulk tank. He could haul the milk back to one of the fields too which would be helpful. We can't dump it down the drain, the field system just couldn't handle the milk.
Last fall I started memorizing scripture passages. I'm not fast like the children are but it has been such a help to me, especially now. This week I'm starting Habakkuk 3: 17-19. Blessings!
your lucky to have family right there on the farm and you are the only ones there you can still see each other all the time. I think it is good to be able to shop if no one else is around - I don't particularly like on line shopping and pick up - I'd rather just do it myself and see what I am getting.
The exit to the pasture would be a lot like our LQS's when they open on the first day of our Shop Hop!
Hi Gretchen! I love how the cows greeted you, peeking under the rails of the fence. Who knew it was a RACE to the north field?!! I can't say I've ever seen a cow run, although I haven't spent a lot of time on a farm. I'm definitely a city girl, but my dad was raised on a farm so we always have a fairly large garden in the city. Onions, potatoes, tomatoes, green peppers, beans, cucumbers, etc. The pansies look so pretty - they seem to like the chilly Spring weather. Thanks for linking up this week. ~smile~ Roseanne
Why is it that the cows know something is happening the day they are let out to the pasture in the spring? Our son planted peas and some beans last week. I tried to ell him it is too early for the beans but he said they only planted some of them. We are expecting snow later today or tomorrow.
What a fun post! This city girl is always fascinated by life on the farm. Thanks for sharing!
The cows seem content once at the pasture...I'm dying to go to the garden center, but haven't got quite brave enough yet. My daffodils are blooming to..
Have a great day!
Enjoyed the excitement of the cows. That's how we are going to feel when we get the "all clear" signal from our governmental leaders.
In Howard county, we can't buy flowers or seeds - they are non essential!? love the glimpses of farm life
What a fun post! I grew up on a farm in Georgia, reading your post bought back memories!
I watched a reality show where a couple decided to purchase a dairy farm so they could raise their children in safer, calmer conditions. It was a lot of work and a struggle but they made it through the first year. Able to pay bills but not much profit. Looked like a lot of work to me.
I see all your cows wear light collars - is that for identification?
Love your article! Passed it on so my 7 year old granddaughter could enjoy! Thanks for sharing.
What a fun post. I grew up on a very small dairy farm in north central Minnesota, and it brought back a lot of memories. I live in southeast Iowa now, and guess what? We had 3" of snow overnight. We have onions and radishes up, but managed to get them covered on Monday as the weather was not good for this week. It was so windy, we had a hard time getting them covered to stay, but it worked. It will be interesting to see what they look like when it finally warms up again. We have two more nights of below zero here, and another possibility of snow. What happened to spring??
I enjoyed this post very much. Can't think that I have ever seen cows run!!
oooo you're having spring! We're having snow...(CO) I LOVE cows and frolic-ing spring cows are best! LeeAnna at not afraid of color
Thank you from a city dweller!
I can imagine how happy your cows were. A UK friend posted a video of his cows coming out of the barn after winter too - the seemed just as happy as yours. Ours get excited at their once a day shift!Lovely to see some spring happening in your part of the world.
My Grand-pere was a dairy farmer; I recall the cows being let out in the Spring...I love seeing them run free...thanks for the reminder...~ ~ ~ waving from julierose
A lovely post to read Gretchen. We too, live on land, but after subdividing, we now only have 2 x 5 acre blocks. Fortunately we sold our heifers and most of our horses before Covid, so now offer our grass to a local chap who cuts it for hay.Lovely for you having family live there also.
FRESH, GREEN GRASS! After a winter of dry hay and silage. YIPPEE!!! Right?
Loved your post. I grew up with beef cattle, and they loved a new pasture too. Snorted at the thought of us looking like your cows when the restrictions are lifted... but it will be so true! Thanks for linking to Colour & Inspiration Tuesday and the chuckle.
Love your quilt, and your happy cows.
So much fun! I vaguely remember the cows going to pasture in the spring when we were in Minnesota. In Colorado they stayed outside year round, but we took the baby calves out of the nursery in the spring and watched them learn to run, such great memories. We are looking forward to spring, though at the moment it is snowing, it will turn to rain I think once it warms up a little more. We transplanted all the brassicas yesterday, knowing today would be rainy and cool, perfect for them to get established before some warm, sunny days this week. Glad you all are fine, and that you aren't being encouraged to dump your milk, like some places!
We haven't gotten any order to dump but it might happen, we've received several letters from the coop warning us there's a chance.. The processing plants are the problem, it's not a glut of milk from the farmers. We have found a guy who would be glad for any milk we need to dump to feed his hogs. He has a tank with a hookup that would attach onto the bulk tank. He could haul the milk back to one of the fields too which would be helpful. We can't dump it down the drain, the field system just couldn't handle the milk.
Last fall I started memorizing scripture passages. I'm not fast like the children are but it has been such a help to me, especially now. This week I'm starting Habakkuk 3: 17-19. Blessings!
Such fun to peek into life on the farm. Farming and ranching is definitely a 7 day a week job, but it's a good life!
I can certainly relate to the cows, feeling cooped up and wanting freedom. Thanks for sharing this small view into farm life on Wednesday Wait Loss.
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