The backing has not been trimmed so of course no binding. This isn't a complete 100% finish but so very very close.
I love how the quilting looks, the texture is lovely.
This is the first quilt I've quilted with colored thread and it is gorgeous. For the floral border and the diamonds, I used #12 Sulky thread. Regular white YLI quilting thread was used to stitch in the ditch around the applique.
The Hobbs wool batt puffs so nicely, I just want to gently rub my hands over the surface.
The back looks nice too. I had purchased this backing several years ago, saving it for just the right quilt. It was perfect for Floral Triangles, you can see the quilting and the texture too.
Here are more pictures . . .
Don't they just make you smile?
These are the very first blooms of my daffodils. Most aren't this far along.
The bleeding hearts are emerging too. These will be blooming in a month!
The sticks sticking out of the plant are a Russian sage plant that started growing in the bleeding heart.
Linking to Kathy's Slow Sunday Stitching, Oh Scrap, Bambi's Show & Tell Monday, Monday Making, Design Wall Monday, BOM's Away
Hand Quilt Along is an opportunity for hand quilters and piecers to share and motivate one another. We post every three weeks, to show our progress and encourage one another. If you have a hand quilting project and would like to join our group contact Kathy at the link below.
Kathy, Margaret, Emma, Tracy, Deb, Susan, Nanette, Edith, Sharon , Karrin, Gretchen, Kathi, Bella, Daisy and Connie
Kathy, Margaret, Emma, Tracy, Deb, Susan, Nanette, Edith, Sharo
Oh what a most gorgeous your Floral Triangles is, Gretchen. I don't think I have seen a more wonderful quilt for a very long time. The pattern, the fabrics, the plethora of beautiful appliques, the gorgeous quilting texture AND the most perfect quilting in that fabulous coloured cotton......oh my, everything is sublime. I might add too, that the sweet little meandering vines of leaves used for the backing is perfect. A most resounding applause to you, from all the way down here. Can you hear it?? Oh...and I almost forgot, how fabulous that the sweet flowers are beginning to pop up to greet spring; such a cheery sight.
What a spectacular finish! I LOVE your Floral Triangles. Each week I was in awe of the pretty diamonds and flowers. One of my favorite photos in this post is the one that is not well lit. It shows off the beautiful quilting so nicely. The flower pics are sweet as well. My bleeding heart plant is coming up again this year. This is one of the first years I cleaned out the flowerbed and left it alone. I often think it is a weed and pull it. Now I know better.
The quilt just glows! Fabulous quilting accenting this beautiful design. Your hand work is extrodinare.
A beautiful quilt! I love the effect of wool batting, it provides so much relief and texture. Just recently finished my first quilt using the Hobbs wool and I love it. Our crocuses have finished but the daffodils are waiting for sunny days to bloom, I'm afraid.
I'm glad to see you used colored thread on this one. I don't know when I used white thread to quilt with last - I know it has been many years now. I so love this quilt - great work!!
Congratulations! It is spectacular... I want to rub my hands on the quilty texture too!
So beautiful - really a work of art! I've enjoyed following along as you worked on this.
I love your Floral Triangles (you are right , this name is much more appropriate!), and the hand quilting is gorgeous. Congratulations!
LUV, LUV, LUV! This is a work of art - no wonder you are thrilled with it.
Wha a lovely quilt--beautiful work on this...~ ~ ~ waving from Julierose ;)))
Wow! Beyond beautiful! What a treasure! :)
Be still my heart!!This is one of the most beautiful quilts I have ever seen! So wishing that pattern were still around, it is one I would purchase. I may have to pull out all my block books and come up with my own interpretation, I love it that much! The red just makes it a show stopper, Gretchen, you should be so,proud of this.
HOORAY! HOORAY! This has been a joy to watch from the beginning. You are such a talented quilter!
Absolutely stunning quilt. Have enjoyed seeing your progress!
Oh so pretty. I was tempted by this pattern at one time but never purchased it. I was afraid my triangle units would not turn out to be consistent in size. I like your name for the quilt better than the original.
This is superb and it was so nice to watch the progress! congratulations!
Oh my goodness your quilt is just so beautiful! I can tell you are thrilled with it! Congratulations!
Oh be still my heart, that is gorgeous! The quilting is beautiful! Crocuses are long past here, but the daffodils are in full bloom.
Your quilt is wonderful. If you shake the quilt like you are trying to shake something off of it, it will fluff up even more with the wool batting. Can't wait for the daffodils to start peeking up from the ground here in Ontario, Canada..the snow is almost gone and the grass is showing.
Congratulations! Your quilt is lovely and SO close to a finish. I have heard such good things about wool batting.
I love the rename of your quilt. It is simply gorgeous and your quilting is prefect! Your garden makes me smile.
I was concerned too about the triangles but I was very pleasantly surprised how well they went together. Thanks!
It's absolutely stunning! And I like your name change, too. (In the words of "Galaxy Quest" - Never give up; never surrender!")
Those crocuses are gorgeous, too! I'm hoping ours will start to show up soon. I always think they turn up just when we're most desperate for flowers.
Your quilt is beautiful, I have enjoyed watching your quilting progress over time. When you get to add the binding I will admire it again, in all its glory!
Oh my! What a treasure you have created! I have so enjoyed watching your progress on this beautiful quilt. Beautiful flowers blooming in your yard. I love the colors.
An amazing quilt! I love all the scrappy colour and your quilting is amazing! It'll be one to tresure forever!
Gretchen your finish is AMAZING!!! I am ready to see it bound and on a bed now :) I love your emerging flowers in your yard and hope you are doing well. What is next for your frame now?? Kathi
Floral Triangles is gorgeous! Different thread colors do look nice. I like the puffiness the wool batting produces when stitched. Congrats on an almost finish!
Wohoo!! A finish 💃💃 it’s beautiful!
I'm sure I'm just repeating everyone else. This quilt is beautiful. You should be so proud of yourself. I'm sure you are looking forward to having it finished and on your bed soon.
It is gorgeous, finished or not!! Love the definition of your quilting and the batting.
Absolutely Stunning! Your quilting is amazing and once it is on a bed, the light is going to create such wonderful texture. Thanks for sharing with Oh Scrap!
Your quilt is just beautiful and stunning! wow! And yes the crocuses are too--they're one of my favorites.
I have watched you make this quilt from beginning to end and you have a beautiful masterpiece! The colors blend so beautifully and your quilting is absolutely perfect. I love the colored thread! You have now become a Master Quilter 100 times over! Beautiful work. Hugs
This quilt is absolutely beautiful! Congratulations on the (nearly) finish. Your hand quilting is beautiful too - I love the border quilting design.
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