Wednesday, February 19, 2025

Log Cabin Hearts

The next quilt for Joanna been started, this time it's Log Cabin Hearts. This is an older pattern designed back in 1996, almost 30 years ago. Log Cabin Hearts is designed by Esther Hershberger.

Of course I'm going to change the pattern, it's too long and narrow for my taste. I'll be making 16 hearts and not adding the wide outside borders. There will be borders, just not that wide.

The hearts look more interesting if there is a contrast so I'm adding some purple.

The 16 log cabin blocks for the hearts are pieced.

The next step is to cut the hearts out of the blocks. I've traced off the hearts onto the backside of freezer paper and ironed it onto the back of the blocks. Before I cut out the blocks, I stay stitch along the edge but not on the edge. These blocks will be needle turned and I want to be sure the stitching doesn't show.

Stay stitching on the front.

After the stay stitching is completed, I cut out the heart shape leaving 'turn under' for the applique. The edge is pressed to the back.

The next step is to applique the hearts to the backing fabric. I will finish the Elegant Garden block I'm appliqueing now, then Elegant Garden will have to wait until the hearts are completed. Applique happens in the evenings but the 64 partial log cabin blocks, that surround the heart section, will be pieced during the day.

You can buy freezer paper that has been cut into 8.5" by 11" pages but that's not large enough for the heart pattern. I have a roll of freezer paper that I bought at E & S Sales in Shipshewana. 150 square feet, that is going to last me a long time! You can probably find this product online somewhere, I didn't google it.

Linking to To Do Tuesday, Wednesday Wait Loss, Needle & Thread Thursday, Put Your Foot Down, TGIFF!, Finished or Not Friday, Off the Wall Friday, Patchwork & Quilts


Maggie said...

Dear Gretchen, Freezer paper is something I have not seen being sold for years in the shops up north. Used my last piece just the other day. Will see if I can find it online. Your logcabin hearts looks amazing. Stay nice and warm, looking forward to spring.

Jennifer Fulton Inquiring Quilter said...

What lovely hearts! Your fabrics are scrumptious. Thanks for sharing on my weekly show and tell, Wednesday Wait Loss.

Anne-Marie said...

This is such an interesting technique to me. I rarely use freezer paper in my sewing room, but I use it all the time in my kitchen. I can buy 75 square feet at the big stores in town. I'm jealous of that giant box you have!

Anorina @SameliasMum said...

What a fun way to make a heart quilt that little bit 'extra'. I love the fabrics/colours you've chosen and look forward to seeing your quilt.

Lin said...

Such a pretty heart and gorgeous fabrics. xx

Preeti said...

Oh my goodness, this will be so pretty. Needle turn! That is a lot of sewing . May your fingers be nimble and protected.

Melisa- pinkernpunkinquilting said...

Oh how pretty, Gretchen. The punch of purple is delightful. I look forward to seeing the first appliqued blocks. Thank you so much for telling about the Freezer Paper; I am adding it to my shopping list. Enjoy your day. Hugs.

grammajudyb said...

I love this idea.I've used freezer paper for years. Yes my big roll is still going. I’m pretty sure you can buy it in our grocery stores. I’ll look next time I go. Lots of people here, hunt and process their own meat for the freezer. And of course. Online usually works.

Gwyned Trefethen said...

I always have a roll of freezer paper on hand in my studio. I just checked and yes, our supermarket still carries it. It is the perfect go to tool for what you are doing. Should be a beautiful quilt.

Frédérique - Quilting Patchwork Appliqué said...

Your hearts are going to be lovely, fun way to piece and appliqué them! I love also your fabric selection, another pretty quilt on the go!
Thank you for sharing your inspirating work in progress, and linking up. said...

Those hearts are going to be stunning! Freezer paper is a wonderful tool. I'm glad you were able to find such a large container of it!

Vivian said...

Okay, I love any variation of Log Cabin blocks so this is a new one for me! I keep both forms of freezer paper around: I like the precut for printing out small applique motifs onto it to transfer to fabric. It's hard to cut paper-sized sheets from the rolls and then get them to lay flat enough to go through the printer. Like you, I use the big rolls for larger transfers and buy my rolls from the grocery store. I read that at one point Reynolds was considering not selling it anymore until crafters started using it and made it a viable product again (thank goodness).

CathieJ said...

Freezer paper is available in my local grocery store all the time. I rarely use it for crafting. I actually use it when I package the meat that I buy at the grocery in smaller portions for the freezer. I like those log cabin hearts that you are making.

Alycia~Quiltygirl said...

Oh wont that be beautiful!!! love the colors - so rich and deep