Sunday, February 23, 2025

Elegant Garden, Block 14

Block 14 for the Elegant Garden quilt is finished.

This time I used a brighter red instead of pink for the little circles. I'm always surprised by what a difference those little circles of color make to block. What do you think?

Two little circles of color but they change a block from blah to cute!

Elegant Garden is designed by Edtya Sitar.

Elegant Garden is going to be taking a rest until the 16 heart blocks for Log Cabin Hearts are appliqued. Hopefully they won't take too long.

Here is a picture of all the blocks appliqued so far. The blank space in the center of the bottom row is for a pieced block that I will make when all the applique blocks are completed.

Linking to Patchwork & QuiltsKathys Slow Stitching Sunday, Stitching Stuff, Oh Scrap, Handmade Monday, Sew & Tell, Craftastic Monday, Design Wall Monday, Monday Musings, To Do Tuesday


The Cozy Quilter said...

Those red circles just bring that block to the next level. Fun to see all your blocks together.

Kim said...

It's amazing the little touches that transcends a block to another level. How pretty all the blocks look gathered all together.

Linda said...

I like the red, and the pink is great too! It really is amazing what those little circles bring to the block.

greaterexp said...

How beautiful! You're so right about those little pops of red; they change the look of the block from something ordinary to something exquisite!

Kate said...

It's always fun to see how just a pop of color can change bland to beautiful. You've done well with all those blocks, it's going to be a beautiful quilt.

Pack Rat With a Plan said...

That little pop of color makes all the difference.

Frédérique - Quilting Patchwork Appliqué said...

The little red berries are just perfect! Your blocks are beautiful, all of them, it's going to be a gorgeous appliqué quilt. Thank you for sharing your work in progress!

Kathy S. said...

Oh the pineapple is so pretty! Yes, that little pop of color not only makes it more fun, but shows your beautiful outlook on life as well. Happy and cheerful for the win!

CathieJ said...

I like your latest appliqued block. Enjoy your stitching.

Melisa- pinkernpunkinquilting said...

Oh yes, those red circles are perfect! Your blocks are looking amazing, Gretchen. Have a lovely day quilting.

JCH said...

Yep, the red circles did it!

Karrin Hurd said...

Gorgeous blocks!

Lin said...

Those two spots of colour give a great lift to the block. xx said...

Those bright tiny color spots really add to the block! Your work is so beautiful!

QuiltGranma said...

Love your fabrics too!

cityquilter grace said...

i think they are just perfect...each one is a pure delight...excellent color choices...

Astrid said...

Beautiful appliqued blocks! I like the pops of red, it brightens up the block.

Brenda @ Songbird Designs said...

Beautiful. Those pops of red buds really do make a difference! Thanks for sharing with us at Monday Musings.