Sunday, February 2, 2025

Elegant Garden, Block 11

Block 11 didn't take long to applique.

I have challenged myself to use civil war fabrics I already have on hand. Sometimes I don't think a block is going to look right but then it comes together when it's finished. Adding the pink and yellow/orange fabric really adds zing to the block.

Elegant Garden is an older quilt designed by Edyta Sitar.

I stopped at Elaine's last week to drop something off. She showed me her progress on  the applique borders for Rhapsody in Blue.

The blue vine will go around the corners when the borders are attached to the center. This is a modified version of the applique from the Lady Jane pattern designed by Nancy Rink.

Rhapsody in Blue is the quilt we are making together to donate to the Michiana Mennonite Relief Sale. We won't have it finished in time for this year's auction, we're aiming for the 2027 sale. This quilt will be hand quilted and I'm planning on putting it into the hand quilting frame this fall.

On another note, I don't know if Mail Chimp is delivering my blog posts anymore. If you have subscribed to my blog but it isn't being delivered, you'll have to bookmark it or search for it. Sorry about that but I don't know what to do to solve the problem. I normally link up to various linky parties during the week also.

Linking to Kathys Slow Stitching Sunday, Stitching Stuff, Oh Scrap, Handmade Monday, Sew & Tell, Craftastic Monday, Design Wall Monday, Monday Musings, To Do Tuesday


Kim said...

Another lovely applique block. The yellow centre of the flower is a great choice. Elaine's applique border for Rhapsody in Blue looks gorgeous. Such a stunning quilt the two of you are creating.

Anonymous said...

Such stunning appliqué by both yourself and Elaine! Gail at the cozy quilter

Maggie said...

Dear Gretchen, The appliqué is looking stunning and it is going to be a beautiful quilt! Very cold up north, hope you have a hand quilting project to keep you warm while you quilt too! Love to see all your beautiful work.

Kate said...

The pops of color do really brighten up those applique blocks. Happy stitching this week.

K Reeves said...

Those colors are so rich and together. The pink and Orange add so much! said...

Lovely applique block! Your collaboration quilt is coming together beautifully!

CathieJ said...

I love that applique block. That border is so pretty. I was amazed to learn that the quilt won't be ready until 2027. Then I read that it will be handquilted. It is so pretty.

Quilter Kathy said...

I have enjoyed entering quilts for the Mennonite Relief Sale in my area. You are so organized to be planning for 2027! Thank you for linking up to Slow Sunday Stitching!

Sarah said...

The orange and pink definitely give the block some zing. Your charity quilt is going to look amazing!

Lin said...

Another lovely block - the pink and orange really do bring it all to life. Love how the border is looking for your blue and white quilt. xx

Gwyned Trefethen said...

There is nothing like a pop of color to bring a block to life. Great idea to add that pink and orange fabric.

Julierose said...

What a beautifully executed block, Gretchen;))) i just love your choice of fabrics in this one...lovely work Hugs, Julierose

time4stitchn said...

So happy to see your progress on Edita's applique blocks. Number 11: you are really making progress. Your blocks look like they should be the example blocks, they are so well done. And I like seeing the progress on the Rhapsody quilt!

Brenda @ Songbird Designs said...

Your block is beautiful, Gretchen. I think the pink and orange fabric really do make it pop. Good for you for using your stash, too! The appliqued border looks great too! Thanks for sharing with us at Monday Musings!