Sunday, October 20, 2024

Blueberry Pie

I really thought I would have this corner applique finished by today but I was distracted by another project instead.

Just one more leaf needs to be stitched onto the right side, that should happen today. 

Then I need two leaves on the left side and it's finished!

The problem (of course there's a problem!) is I can't find this fabric! I know I didn't use it all but I just can't find it. I could substitute another fabric but I'll need to take three leaves off, I don't want two different fabric leaves.

I'll look again. 😞

I was in Wakarusa last Wednesday and was surprised to see the quilt garden hadn't been cleared yet. The participating garden committees decide when their garden is 'finished'. They can't be cleared before September 1. Most leave their flowers in place until the middle of September but some want them cleared because they're ready to be finished for the season. 

We had the first frost of this autumn Thursday morning but it wasn't a hard frost. The farmer didn't have any frost on the truck windows when he went to the farm to milk his one cow at 6 AM.

Some of the flowers in the front look finished but most of them are still colorful.

I'm sure they will pull the flowers this week. Cold weather is coming!

Linking to Kathys Slow Stitching Sunday, Stitching Stuff, Oh Scrap, Handmade Monday, Sew & Tell, Craftastic Monday, Design Wall Monday, Monday MusingsTo Do Tuesday


Anonymous said...

Blueberry pie is gorgeous! Isn’t it annoying when you can’t find something you know you have? Hope it shows up! Gail at the cozy quilter.

Juliana said...

Blueberry pie is such a beautiful quilt. And thanks for sharing one more photo of the quilt garden. It has been fun to see this become so pretty as the weeks have gone by.

Linda said...

You know you "squirreled" me into buying that Red and White book your pattern came from, and I am amazed at how much prettier your version is! Almost thou persuadest me to learn to applique. ;) The quilt garden still looks lovely.

Sarah said...

Such a beautiful quilt. I hope you find your lost piece of fabric!

CathieJ said...

Blueberry Pie is so pretty. I hope you find that fabric. It is probably right under your nose. That quilt garden still looks pretty good in the photo. We have had some cold nights lately so I will be emptying the last of my flower pots today.

Kate said...

Oh to be so close to done and not able to find the fabric. I hope it turns up soon so you can be finished. It's such a pretty quilt!

Maggie said...

Dear Gretchen, Hopefully you will find the fabric. The quilt garden is beautiful, thank you for sharing it with us.

LIttle Penguin Quilts said...

That is such a beautiful applique design! I hope you find that fabric - that's always so frustrating when you know it's "around here somewhere!"

Nancy @ Grace and Peace Quilting said...

We've had a seasonably warm fall here, too. I hope you find your missing print! It's looking beautiful. I wouldn't notice the difference if you substitute another print in and don't remove the 3 you've done.

Angela said...

Such a pretty quilt!

QuiltE said...

Having visited Wakarusa many times, I'm always enjoy seeing your pictures of the Quilt Garden. Brings back a lot of good memories of good times with good friends! We just had our 1st hard frost this week too ... much further north than you, here in SW Ontario. Hopefully Blueberry Pie's missing fabric will reappear soon and save you from the extra work. Wish I had some the same, to send you, but despite all my blues, I know I do not have that one!

Lin said...

The garden is still looking lovely - such a shame to clear it in September if it still looks this good in October! Hope you find that fabric. xx

Sara said...

That garden is still so pretty! We just got a killing freeze last week, but my neighbor covered her amazing flowers each night so they are still blooming. It is supposed to reach 80 degrees here (SD) today - so definitely warmer than normal for October.