Wednesday, July 10, 2024

Ladybugs & Tulabugs

I have two ladybug quilts to show you today. The first one is the crib quilt I pieced at the November 2023 retreat. I posted about it here

In the original post, I wrote it would be spiral quilted. That's not what happened, the little quilt told me to quilt cross-hatching. Diagonal lines were marked from the squares in the squares border to the other side.  This quilt measures 38.5" by 44".

The fabrics in the yellow & black ladybug quilt were purchased at Carolines in Rome City. I had purchased enough of the black fabric to use for backing.

The second ladybug quilt is made with Tula Pink fabrics so I call it Tulabugs. 

For the 2nd quilt I decided to use the X design which is easy to do. You mark diagonal lines from corner to corner, then you mark a + in the center both horizontally and vertically. The + is the pivot point. When the X stitching was finished, I stitched in the ditch on both sides of the narrow green border. I had two different pieces of lavender (which looks gray in the photo) fabrics to use for backing then used the same green border fabric for binding. Both bindings were completely stitched by machine, no hand sewing.

I'm keeping the first quilt to have on hand for the next baby that needs one. The second quilt will be donated to Goshen Cancer Center for use in the chemo department. It measures 44" square.

Linking to Midweek Makers, Wednesday Wait Loss, Needle & Thread Thursday, Put Your Foot Down, Free Motion Mavericks, TGIFF!, Finished or Not Friday, Off the Wall Friday, Beauty Pageant, Patchwork & Quilts


Helenchaffin said...

Lovely quilts!

Alycia~Quiltygirl said...

Oh those are cute!!! I like that you are letting the quilt talk to you about the quilting it needs ( makes me feel understoond haha)

Jennifer Fulton Inquiring Quilter said...

Who doesn't love ladybugs? These are both so cute! I especially love the Tulabugs quilt. Great quilting on these. No need to get fancy with such simple designs. Thanks for sharing on my weekly show and tell, Wednesday Wait Loss.

Jenny said...

Very pretty.

Lin said...

Two lovely quilt finishes. xx

Preeti said...

Those little quilts can be loud. Gotta listen to them. I have tried spiral quilting. It tends to flatten as we move away from the center. Cross hatch sounds like a good option.

Denise said...

I love them! Thank you for sharing in Put your foot down.

Gwyned Trefethen said...

What fun fabric to base your quilts around, not just the ladybugs, but the paw prints, too.

Gail said...

Lovely little quilts! the new owers will love them!

Jocelyn is Canadian Needle Nana said...

Wonderful quilts, Gretchen. I love that the little ladybug quilt found her voice! Tula fabrics are so bright and cheerful. How kind you are to donate your work, :) said...

Both of your quilts are wonderful. I love the sunshine that the little lady bug quilt radiates!

Raewyn said...

Two lovely quilts :-)

Frédérique - Quilting Patchwork Appliqué said...

These ladybugs prints are so cute! Lovely little quilts, I love the border and the quilting. The cross-hatch and X designs are perfect for your baby quilts. Thank you for sharing these pretty finishes!

Deb said...

That happens to me too! I have plans for a quilt but then something different just feels better! The force is with us. Happy stitching!