For my next project, I'm making a Puss in the Corner quilt utilizing blocks left from the Wilfred & Cloves quilt made several years ago. That pattern is from Creating Heirlooms One Stitch at a Time by Carolyn Konig. I made my quilt larger than Carolyn's pattern called for, I wasn't very good at figuring how many blocks I needed so there were leftover blocks.
When my daughter saw the quilt, she thought the blocks would make a pretty quilt by themselves without the center applique, so I put all the fabrics, blocks and partials blocks in a bag for someday. Someday is now here.
The above blocks were left from the original quilt.
I press the pink/brown blocks differently from the aqua-teal/red blocks so they lock together when sewing.
The blocks alternate so you have a 4 patch in the corners of each block.
I need a total of 263 blocks, the teal/red blocks have been pieced and I'm working on the pink/brown blocks.I'm not planning to add a pieced border to the top and bottom of the quilt like I did for Wilfred & Cloves, I'm also not adding the applique either.
I love the technique of strip piecing and strip piece all I can. The center strip is cut 4" and the side strips are 1-1/2".
Half of the strips are cut into 4" widths and the other half are 1-1/2" widths. I have added fabrics to the fabric left from the original quilt.

I don't have an AccuQuilt cutter, I use the poor man's cutter, a June Tailor Speed Cut mat.
The pictures aren't placed where I want them but I'm not in the mood to argue with Blogger.

Linking to Peacock Party, Put Your Foot Down, Whoop Whoop Party, TGIFF!, Finished Or Not Friday, Brag About Your Beauties, UFO Busting