Block 15 of Elegant Garden is finished and I don't like it. When I select the colors/fabrics for the blocks, I usually follow Edyta's lead and use the same fabric where she did. In this case I used the same green of the leaves/stems for the square in the center. It doesn't work and the block looks dreary and sad.
I removed the green square from the center flower then debated between adding the orangey/yellow fabric or the pink fabric. The orangey/yellow won, look at the difference! I also decided to change the square to a circle because I didn't like the square.
This color certainly woke this block up and added the necessary zing.
Another change to the block is I did not applique the doodad onto the body of the corner flowers. If I would have, I probably would have used the pink fabric but I like the flower without it.
Elegant Garden was designed by Edyta Sitar in 2007.
Last week I mentioned I've started watching quilting videos and Gail, at the Cozy Quilter, asked me to share some of my favorites so here they are.
Stitch With Rachel - She's an enthusiastic young quilter trying to do it all. She reminds me of myself when I was younger.
From Small Things - Sue retired last year and is able to quilt full time now. She is a hand quilter and she really get them completed!
The Quilted Forest - I really enjoyed the videos about all the quilts she made with her 2.5" scrappy strips.
Sew Charming Quilt Shop - I don't even know the lady's name who does these videos but she own the shop in Alabama. It would be an enjoyable visit to stop in and browse.
Inspired by Lea Louise - She's into the potato chip quilts and has made many variations.
Just Get It Done Quilts - This lady does it get done.
Emma Jones Vintage Sewing - If you are into EPP and handwork, you will enjoy these videos.
Stitch and Sew with Jo - I've been reading Jo's Country Junction for many years. She has gotten into counted cross stitching the last several years and isn't making as many quilts. Cross stitching isn't my thing so I don't enjoy her blog as much as I used to. She has retired so hopefully more quilts will be happening in the future.
Sew the Distance - Kris does talk rather fast but I use the closed captioning and keep up by reading what she says.
These will get you started, there are many many more!
Linking to Patchwork & Quilts, Kathys Slow Stitching Sunday, Stitching Stuff, Oh Scrap, Handmade Monday, Sew & Tell, Craftastic Monday, Design Wall Monday, Monday Musings, To Do Tuesday
Isn't it amazing what a difference one little change can make to a block. I agree, the yellow centre makes the world of difference. Thank you for the links.
The yellow in the center really pops! Glad you changed that. LOL on doodads. Thanks for the list of quilty watches!
Wow, you really have a good eye for analysing a block and finding the right replacement. The yellow circle makes the block shine! Thank you for sharing the links, and linking up.
The green square just did not belong in this block. The yellow circle is perfect! Thanks for the list of videos…I sat beside Karen Brown of Just Get it Done quilts at a retreat and have seen her several times since then. She really is a sewing machine and a great teacher. I will have to watch some of the other videos.
I love how you changed it, and it really pops with that pretty orangey/yellow, and the circle!
it's amazing how just a small change can amp up the entire block.
What a difference the new center makes!! Thanks for the viewing suggestions. I don't have TV/cable/streaming so try to watch/read quilty sites. This gives me fresh ideas.
Beautiful block and thanks for the quilting links. :)
What a difference that change made! Kudos to you for making it rather than living with a block you didn't like!
I love how you changed that block! It is definitely an improvement. I agree that the circle looks much better than the square.
Well, I hope you like the block NOW! I agree it's better with your changes. I'm intrigued when you say you're watching videos -- do these quilters have YouTube channels where they are posting videos regularly, or are these one-off tutorial videos you've found here and there?
I like the revision to your block. Thanks for the video watching recommendations.
What a big difference! You nailed it. I thought the first version looked ok until I scrolled down, and said "Wow" to myself. Thanks for the video list. I haven't heard of a lot of those.
It's so disappointing to finish a block or a quilt top only to not like it. (I can identify!) But that little change makes all the difference! I like the circle better, too.
Thanks for the links to quilting videos. I'll try to look at a few.
Such a gorgeous block, Gretchen. The yellow center certainly added the zing to the flower. Just beautiful.
Lovely block! It is amazing how much one little change can make. Thank you for the list of quilting videos, it is nice or have something to watch or listen while hand stitching.
Wow! I am forever amazed how one minor change can make such a huge difference! You did awesome! I so enjoy Emma Jones’ videos as her voice is so soothing and she is so calm. Your post is bookmarked for me to check out the other videos. Thank you for sharing!
The yellow centre ties everything together and balances everything out in the block imo! Great job!!
It's amazing how one little color can change the whole feel of a block ,the yellow really makes it pop,thanks for the you tube links,some im already subscribed too,now I have new ones to watch while I sew & quilt lol
You did a great job saving that block with just that minor change. It does perk it up. Thanks for the run down on the quilt shows you watch. I know of most of them but I seldom think to watch the videos. I'll have to try some of them. Have a good week.
Wow - such a difference with the yellow circle instead of the green square. Beautiful block.
You have a good eye to select the center highlighting your block. Amazing applique again. You are progressing! Yeah for you!
Such a simple change, but it brought your block to life. Excellent self critique and solution.
Wow, what a good eye you have to see just how to make that block sing with a small change. I admire that ability so much. Your applique stitching is immaculate, like everything stitchy you do, Gretchen. Thank you for providing those links. I also watch a few of those talented much available these days.
I like the yellow circle and think it really makes the block pop more. Great change! Thanks so much for joining us at Monday Musings.
Good choice on changing colors. There is more zing. Thanks for sharing the wonderful sewing links.
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