Wednesday, January 22, 2025

This 'N That

Elaine came one afternoon, the week between Christmas and New Year's. She has the applique finished for the center of the relief sale quilt (Rhapsody in Blue) we're collaborating on. We don't have a pattern for this quilt, we're just making it up as we go. 

We trimmed the center and added a 2" border, then it measured 36.5". We added a double row of 9 patches, both types. I had sewn the 9 patches last autumn sometime, maybe in October?

We laid out a single side and I sewed them together. The border looked good so Elaine left to run errands while I kept sewing. 

Three hours later the center looked like this.

This isn't the greatest picture but you get the idea. Does the center applique look familiar? Elaine contacted Nancy Rink and received permission for us to use the center applique from Lady Jane in this quilt. We did decide to change the center circle in the bottom center flower, that fabric is too dark, you don't see the circle!

As of now the center measures 54.25". The project went home with Elaine so she can add another applique border, this time a improvisation of the Lady Jane applique.

Rhapsody in Blue is #5 on my long list of projects for this year.

While I'm piecing blocks for other projects, I also sew 4 patches, leader/ender fashion. I try to clean up scraps after each project and cut various sizes of blocks. Right now I'm sewing to diminish the 2" square box. You already know how to make 4 patches so I won't bore you with details. This box contains twosies.

These 4 patches were sewn while I was piecing Peter Rabbit.

I know, poor picture 😕.

I did sew some of the 4 patches into larger blocks several months ago, now I'm piecing 4 patches again so there is more variety. Eventually there will be enough blocks to piece a large quilt. These blocks are 8 across by 10 down and will measure 12" by 15" finished.

In 2024 I sewed bindings on 59 comforters. It's a new year so it's time to start a new tally. I've sewed bindings on 3 comforters last week. They are all very pretty.

First is a bowtie quilt. The squares finish at 3". 

I don't know the name of this pattern but it's a fun design made with bright fabrics. The squares in this comforter finish at 5".

Who doesn't love a scrappy trip around the world? These squares also finish at 5".

These comforters were delivered to the MCC resource center where they will be distributed to the many places that need them.

Linking to To Do TuesdayWednesday Wait Loss, Needle & Thread Thursday, Put Your Foot Down, TGIFF!, Finished or Not Friday, Off the Wall Friday, Beauty Pageant, Patchwork & Quilts


Linda said...

You and Elaine have made a beautiful quilt without a pattern! Rhapsody in Blue is just lovely, the blues are so pretty. You've got a lot of nice projects happening.

Connie said...

So lovely! Of course everything you do in blue is lovely!

Nancy @ Grace and Peace Quilting said...

Your Blue Beauty is looking great! Fun to see the comforters you've finished off, too!

Maggie said...

The Enders and leaders can gobble up so many scraps into useful units. Love the appliqué quilt.

Jocelyn is Canadian Needle Nana said...

I adore that blue applique center. You ladies are so talented! And what lovely quilts you've been binding too, Gretchen. Always a delight for the eyes to visit you!

Jennifer Fulton Inquiring Quilter said...

Such a lovely collaboration! Can't wait to see how it finishes! Thanks for sharing on my weekly show and tell, Wednesday Wait Loss.

Lisa in Port Hope said...

All so lovely yet different. Have a wonderful week.

Anne-Marie said...

The blue quilt is pretty. Do you bind the donation quilts by hand or machine?

Linda @ kokaquilts said...

Great team work on the blue quilt!

Gretchen Weaver said...

Elaine will sew the binding by hand. She enjoys hand binding, me, not so much! We're not thinking about binding yet, this quilt will be hand quilted, that will take a lot of time! I will probably do most of the hand quilting starting next fall, if the flimsy is completed anyway.

ChezVies said...

The Rhapsody in Blue quilt is so beautiful. I really love the double 9 patch border.

Lin said...

I love your blue and white quilt - the applique is gorgeous and the 9 patches frame it beautifully. The comfoters are lovely - especially the bow tie, very striking. xx

Sarah Goer Quilts said...

So much scrappy fun! I enjoy the bold graphic design on the one with the 5” squares. Thanks for linking up with me for TGIFF!

Helenchaffin said...

each quilt was s beautiful & unique in its own way but Blue Rhapsody takes center stage!

Alycia~Quiltygirl said...

Your Blue is amazing!!! So pretty - and that border - oh my gosh - I love it!
and 59 quilt bindings... you are a rock star!!!

Yvonne from Quilting Jetgirl said...

What an amazing collaboration. I look forward to seeing it grow this year!

Gwyned Trefethen said...

In rhapsody. What a gorgeous round robin quilt. And to think it is a collaboration. I'm blown away that you bound 59 quilts in a single year. That is an average of just over one a week.

Gretchen Weaver said...

It was 59 comforters and they're not like quilt bindings. You fold over the backing and stitch them down, much faster than quilt bindings.

Sharon Kwilter said...

Rhapsody in Blue is amazing. I hope you raise a lot of money.

Frédérique - Quilting Patchwork Appliqué said...

Ooooh, Elaine and you are a successful quilting bee team! Rhapsody in Blue looks gorgeous. Wonderful comforters too, love the second one. Yeah for the 59 bounded last year!
Thank you for sharing with P&Q today.

CathieJ said...

That is a beautiful quilt for the relief sale. I am amazed that you have so many pretty quilts that need binding. Wow. I have to cut my scraps into squares sometime. said...

What a fun project to work on with your friend. Your collaboration will result in a beautiful piece!

For the love of geese said...

OMG, so many beautiful quilts. I'm in love with the Rhapsody in blue.