Sunday, January 26, 2025

Blue Churndash Wallhanging

Way back in 2016 I pieced a blue churndash quilt which now hangs from a rafter in my home. I had pieced too many blocks so I sewed those blocks into a small wallhanging intending to quilt it someday then donate it to the relief sale. I just never got that accomplished, too many other quilts in the hand quilting queue.

In early November last fall, an older lady from my church asked if anyone would have anything she could hand quilt then donate to the relief sale, yes I do!

I marked the quilt, made a backing and batting and took it to church to give to her. Irene quilted it in 2 weeks!

I have since finished this little 42" square wallhanging by attaching a label, sleeve and the binding. She's ready for the 2025 Michiana Mennonite Relief Sale in September. Hopefully there will be at least two people who want her so the bidding will go high.

Irene was the hand quilter, I embroidered the label, turned and hand stitched the binding and hand stitched the sleeve to the back. I ran her through the cold water delicate cycle in the washer to remove the blue marking pen. I was surprised by how much she scrunched up. 

Linking to Kathys Slow Stitching Sunday, Stitching Stuff, Oh Scrap, Handmade Monday, Sew & Tell, Craftastic Monday, Design Wall Monday, Monday MusingsTo Do Tuesday


Kim said...

The Blue Churndash Wallhanging is pretty. Oh my, Irene is a fast quilter. The birdies on the backing fabric are sweet.

Kathy S. said...

It's beautiful. I especially like the inner border with the squares. Nice touch. Way to tag team this quilt for your relief sale. I hope it gets the high price that it deserves. The birds on the back are perfect for it as well.

Linda said...

What a pretty quilt! It has a lovely vintage-y look to it. You and Irene make a good team. It should go quickly!

The Cozy Quilter said...

You and Irene make a great team! Another beautiful blue and white quilt!

Carole @ From My Carolina Home said...

Wow, hand quilted in just two weeks! Amazing! Cotton fabrics and thread do shrink, even in cold water. I will usually press mine after it is dry to make it look like new again.

chrisknits said...

How lovely to have someone willing to use her skill to benefit others. You both did a wonderful job.

Pack Rat With a Plan said...

Many hands make light work.

Lin said...

Lovely to have someone volunteer to hand quilt and it has turned out beautifully. I am sure there will be more than two people bidding! xx

Michele McLaughlin said...

It's so beautiful and I love that it is blue and white! I'm sure it will get a lot of bids!

Kate said...

Great teamwork to get something finished and donated. It's a beautiful quilt, it should do well at the auction.

QuiltE said...

Great to have Irene on your Team! The two of you have made one that will be bid on by many, not just two! Perfect for those that don't want a large bed quilt, but for a special spot on the wall or as a table topper. What a sweet bird backing, too. Do you have another project for Irene? :)

scraphappy said...

What a beauty! I am sure it will bring a good price at the sale. Teamwork really does help when a project gets stalled along the way.

CathieJ said...

What a pretty wall hanging. How wonderful that there was someone looking for hand-quilting. I'm sure there will be bidders for this.

Barwitzki said...

What a beautiful job.
Congratulations on the joint project.
Best wishes to you... p.s. we had coffee with the cake :-)))

Gretchen Weaver said...

She doesn't have room for a large quilt, she lives in a retirement center. I want to piece something this winter for her to work on next year.

Jenny said...

A beautiful team effort, and for a wonderful cause, great work, both of you.

Karrin Hurd said...

Beautiful finish for a group effort!

Sara said...

Wonderful little finish! Churn Dash blocks are one of my favorite Go To blocks, and they look totally different set on point.

Miaismine said...

Oh! What a special lady to hand quilt your project! And to have finished it in only two weeks – amazing! The quilting, the piecing, the label…so pretty!

Joanne said...

That is beautiful!

QuiltGranma said...

Getting rid of UFO's, wonderful! said...

What a special collaboration! It is a wonderful finish. I hope it will raise a high price!

Pamela said...

That's just lovely! My favorite colors, too!

Rose Marie said...

Lovely quilt and someone will love it!

Vivian said...

What a lovely joint project! I hope it brings in much for the relief effort!

Brenda @ Songbird Designs said...

Beautiful, Gretchen. And, what an amazing job to get that quilted in two week! I'm sure it will be cherished by whomever receives it!