Treasure Hunt and Autumn Bouquet have been on the list for some time. I was just waiting for a sale.
Blue & White Quilts is another book I've been eyeing.
Since the total of these three books didn't meet the minimum no charge for shipping, I also ordered the Best of Connecting Threads, volume 2. The book was $2 more than paying the shipping charge. The quilt on the front is very pretty.
So many beautiful quilts are in these books. They've been fun to read and dream about. My 'to make' list keeps getting longer and I keep getting older!
I love buying things for myself around birthday time! lol I love the books you chose ... Treasure Hunt esp looks like I missed seeing that book in the past! Love the photos on the front of each of the books though!!!! Do you have a fave now that you are reading them???
Happy reading and stitching too <3 Kathi
There are quilts in each book that I love! I'm so glad sticky notes were invented so I can mark pages now without them falling out! In Treasure Hunt I've got Quadrille and Gie Gordons marked. These are both smaller quilts which would be great for a young child so they would have a practical use too.
In Autumn Crossing, the cover quilt is called Goose Crossing. Their finished quilt is 74" squared but I could make a smaller quilt with less blocks. I love this block and it's both pieced and appliqued. There are several other small appliques that I love too, so much potential here!
In Blue & White there's Cornered which is a broken dishes (I think?) quilt. Then there's Bliss which is stars with a gorgeous appliqued border! Let's not forget Singing the Blues which would be the perfect size for a crib quilt and is both appliqued and pieced.
The Best of Connecting Threads is downstairs by my chair right now and I'm to lazy to go downstairs and bring it back upstairs. What is interesting about this book is it incorporates quilting in small projects besides the quilts. But don't you love the cover quilt! This was a good buy for only $8.
I think I have looked at all of those books that you show - I don't know why I resist the Blue and White I have been looking at since it came out
I have Treasure Hunt in my cart on amazon. I took classes with Linda Collins in Shipshewana a few years ago. I love the names of the quilts. Come to think of it, I have a birthday next week.
Happy birthday! I think you definitely deserve a new book or 2 this month. This is a great book with beautiful quilts!
Happy Birthday! Those books sound like the perfect gift for yourself!
Hi Gretchen! Happy Birthday! I hope you're celebrating all month and some new quilting books are just the ticket for a great birthday gift. I sure do like that Blue and White quilt book. My sister is a huge fan of that color combination and I can see she'd like each one of them! Thanks for linking up this week. ~smile~ Roseanne
Happy Birthday to you! I can't wait to see what you make from all of this inspiration!
I love Connecting Threads book sales! Happy birthday, Gretchen! Yesterday was my neice Gretchen's birthday.
Love the quilt on the front of Treasure Hunt. Getting a package of Connecting Threads always makes me feel like a special customer. They are so good with EVERYTHING! Happy birthday, Grethcen!
The first quilt I saw in the Blue & White quilts was the orange peel quilt. Just gorgeous! Can't wait to see what you create.
Wishing you a very Happy Birthday. I am looking forward to your next project!!!
Thank you, I really like my churn dash quilt too. Blue & white quilts are just so elegant!
There are several quilts in line already before I get to any quilts from the new books. If only I could sew as fast as I think!
You have some quilt making in your future with all the new quilt books. Even if you never make a quilt from any of them, the joy (at least for me) in perusing through them now and then and dreaming and planning is worth the price.
Think I do have 2 of the books - I know I have the Red and White quilt book! When I get back to the Studio I will check it out. Looking at The Farmhouse Sampler by Dawn Heese - Nice easy applique quilt with 20” blocks!
Yes I was eyeing that quilt on the front the other day. I love it when you can spend a couple $ more and get free shipping and still be at or slightly over what shipping would have been. Happy Bday and enjoy your books. Thank you for linking up to Put your foot down.
How clever to select some books and then just wait for a sale! What a happy birthday present. I've browsed through several of these at the shop and you will not be disappointed. Happy birthday and thanks for sharing on Wednesday Wait Loss.
Happy birthday, Gretchen! I hope you make the one on the cover of the Autumn Bouquet book. These will certainly keep you busy until your next birthday rolls around!
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I love seeing new book recommendations! The variety in your list is great, and I’m always looking for fresh reads to add to my collection. The Hottest Fashion Trends For The New Season
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