Friday, January 14, 2022

Blue Split 9 Patch Finish

Before I left for Phoenix in December, I pulled blue split 9 patch from the closet and corrected the blocks turned the wrong direction

Several people mentioned they couldn't see the mistake. Click on the link above. The light fabrics are supposed to zig zag in a somewhat rectangular path. If you look at the top, the path shoots out to the sides instead of staying inside on the path. Compare that picture to the finished quilt below.

I added a plain blue border. I had thought about piecing a border but this quilt is busy enough, the simple border gave my eyes a place to rest.

I dropped the quilt off to be long arm quilted before I left and it was finished by the time I returned home. It's so nice to have a finish the first month of the new year, I haven't had a complete finish since August 2021!

I ordered a simple overall stippling design. 

A view of the back side of the quilt. That dark spot is some dampness from the snow on the porch.

Here's a close up of the stippling on the backside. 

A view of the quilt on our bed.

My quilt roll is looking pretty good!

The quilt was quilted by Three Sisters Fabrics in New Paris, Ind and measures 91.5" by 102" after quilting.

I wrote several posts about blue split 9 patch: first post, another post , the final post before quilting was the post above. 

The split 9 patch block was Bonnie Hunter's leader/ender project which started in 2013. I did make a change to the block, instead of 3 HST's, I used a square in the center. I think the center square adds more interest to the design.

Linking to Put Your Foot Down, Needle & Thread ThursdayPeacock PartyTGIFF!, Finished Or Not Friday, Off the Wall Friday, Brag About Your Beauties, Patchwork & Quilts, Oh Scrap


Cathy said...

That's a very unique Split Nine layout. Just lovely. And the variety of blues just makes it sparkle. Congrats on the finish!

maggie fellow said...

so lovely - and a place in paris indiana - cool

Created by Kathi said...

Oh Gretchen! I love your finished version of split 9 patch! It does sparkle and that striped binding is great finish!!! Congrats 🎊

Karen - Quilts...etc. said...

the quilt looks really great and you made such great use of all the scraps

Michele McLaughlin said...

This quilt is a stunner! I agree the plain blue border is perfect for it! I also like the binding fabric you used! The fabrics you chose made it sing! Thank you for the inspiration!!!

Rose Marie said...

There is nothing better than a new quilt for the new year! So lovely!

Elizabeth V Kelbaugh said...

Fabulous! Who doesn't love a blue and white quilt.

Alycia~Quiltygirl said...

Hooray for a complete finish!
and a gorgeous one it is!!! I love blues and creams!!

Mari said...

So pretty! (And huge.) It looks fantastic on the bed and was certainly worth the effort to go back and fix the mistake. Congratulations on a great finish!

grammajudyb said...

It truly is gorgeous! Makes me want to make a blue and white quilt!

Chopin - A Passionate Quilter said...

Very pretty quilt! Of course Blue is your favorite color - great to have a complete finish this early in the year! Yea for you!

Jenny said...

Itsxanother fabulous quilt, and looks just right on your bed. Well done!

Ivani said...

It is gorgeous, Gretchen!! Love all about this quilt. Congrats on this beauty.

Sharon Kwilter said...

I love that pattern. I've made a it a couple of times now. Yours turned out wonderful.

Vivian said...

Always love a good Bonnie quilt, it's a blue beauty! You know they say what you do to start the year is what you'll do all year so get ready for a lot of finishes this year!

Bonnie said...

That is a lovely setting for a great block. It may have taken time but it is well worth the wait. I like the plain border too.

Quiltpiecer said...

I have the same pattern on my bucket list for "some day". Yours is lovely!

Michelle @ From Bolt to Beauty said...

What a great scrap-dusting design! I think your decision to forgo the scrap border for a solid one was perfect!

Frédérique - Quilting Patchwork Appliqué said...

Hurray for the first finish of the year ;) Your blue quilt is beautiful, I love theplain border too, and the quilting is perfect.
Thank you for sharing and linking up this week with TGIFF!

Quilting Gail said...

What a beautiful quilt!!! I love that you did it as a leader and ender ... and the squares are a perfect alteration!

Chookyblue...... said...

beautiful blue....and I love a photo shoot of a quilt also.....and its fun to do.......

chrisknits said...

What a great finish! Love the binding.

Chantal said...

Love this quilt so much that I want one too. Sometimes, simple blocks make the most wonderful quilts. Bravo! ;^) said...

Wow! It is a beautiful quilt! I'll admit, I didn't see the turned blocks and it took me a while to figure out what you meant with a solid center square. I agree with you about it! It is a beautiful finish!

LIttle Penguin Quilts said...

I love the Split 9 patch block and yours in blues and whites is just beautiful! Congratulations on your finish!

The Joyful Quilter said...

Congratulations on your first quilt finish of the year! That's a favorite pattern of mine. You created such a classic in blue and white. It's SEW lovely, Gretchen!

Nann said...

It's lovely, Gretchen! (And you've given me an idea for my recently-acquired stack of blue fabric.)