Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Retreat Project #5, A Pincushion!

Project #5 was a last minute unplanned project. Remember all those flippy corners I cut off for the snowball blocks? I had originally thought I would save them and make a miniature quilt for myself but then decided no way!

I tried to give them away to the miniature sewists at the retreat but no one would take them! I kept 16 of the little guys and made HST's with them, then sewed them into a little pincushion. This little guy measures 3-1/2".

This is the only project I've finished since I've been home. He's been filled with walnut hulls aka pet bird litter. 

My quilting wasn't perfect but it was fun. It would have been interesting to see what a mini quilt would have looked like made with all these little HST's that finished at 3/4" but I don't have that much patience!

In case you are wondering what I did with the other pieces that didn't get used, I bagged them and gave them to my friend Elaine who will give to a friend of hers who will then give them to another friend who makes animal cushions for a humane shelter. Did you follow all those friends?

Since I've been home, I've decided if I ever that many pieces leftover again, I'll give them away here on my blog. There is probably somebody out there would like 500+ triangles pieces.

Linking to Midweek Makers, Put Your Foot Down


Marsha Cooper said...

I have a drawer full of cut off corners. I just can't bring myself to sew together fabric that is so small.

Chopin - A Passionate Quilter said...

Hooray for you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Jayne Honnold said...

I love saving these little corner bits, too. Glad you found a use for them!

Susan said...

That is so cute! I'm with the group that rejected those pieces - too small for me.

For the love of geese said...

Wow those are really tiny. You are much more dedicated than I am. Thank you for linking the pin cushion to Put your foot down.

QuiltGranma said...

oh, such a precious little pincushion! Good job! and a finish too!

K Reeves said...

I see my corners together as I make them, hoping that I'll be more inclined to use them...we'll see!