Sunday, August 25, 2024

Elegant Garden

I have started another applique project in addition to the applique borders of Blueberry Pie. Pie is a large bulky project, I don't want to take it out of the house to work on. I need a small transportable project and Elegant Garden is perfect. 

Block 1 was started at the handwork group I attend once a month. Of course I had to finish it when I returned home.

These blocks are small enough I could easily applique a block a week but I'm going to try limit myself to one a month until I give in and work on them full time. The blocks will finish at 9".

I am using my civil war fabric stash for my blocks. I have enough fabrics that I shouldn't need to purchase any.

Elegant Garden is an older quilt designed by Edyta Sitar from Laundry Basket Quilts. 

Linking to Kathys Slow Stitching Sunday, Stitching Stuff, Oh Scrap, Handmade Monday, Sew & Tell, Craftastic Monday, Design Wall Monday, Monday MusingsTo Do Tuesday


Anonymous said...

Your appliqué skills are second to none. Beautiful start on a new project. Gail at the cozy quilter

Jill said...

It is still a bit warm to have larger hand projects on one’s lap even if inside with AC on. Pretty double pink fabric in the ‘lil buds.

Linda said...

What a lovely project! How do you like Edyta's patterns, are they pretty easy to follow?

Nancy @ Grace and Peace Quilting said...

Nice start on a beautiful quilt design!!!

Rebecca Grace said...

Oh Gretchen, you are dangerous to my UFO list! I love this block, the folk representation of the botanical elements and your fabric mix. Of course I had to click over to see what the rest of the quilt is going to look like and now I am even MORE smitten! This is going to be a gorgeous sampler and I'll bet it's a fun one! You are needle turning edges as you go along, not doing a prepared edge technique, right? I can't decide which method I like better and I think it depends on the project -- you get a more authentic look for a reproduction or antique style quilt with needle turn for sure, just those very subtle and slight variations between leaves that would be identical with a prepared edge method. It's like the fingerprint of the maker, something I always notice and appreciate when viewing antique textiles. Gorgeous! Now I want to throw FrankenWhiggish in Time Out and start making Elegant Garden with you...

Sylvia@Treadlestitches said...

Such a lovely, elegant block! Good luck holding yourself to only making one per month!

T Holzer said...

Beautiful! I love how you choose challenging quilts to make time after time and your needle turn is so nice and precise!

Gretchen Weaver said...

Thank you!

grammajudyb said...

Edyta Sitar patterns are elegant and basically easy to execute! I need to get my spool quilt to the quilter! That will be a great portable project!

CathieJ said...

What a pretty block. I just entered a contest at a quilt show to win a basket full of fabrics and Edyta Sitar patterns and books.

Melisa- pinkernpunkinquilting said...

This block is so beautiful, Gretchen. Edyta always has such lovely designs. Enjoy your day. Hugs.

Gretchen Weaver said...

I hope you win and show everyone which quilt you are going to make.

Melva said...

Your applique projects always look beautiful. Thanks for sharing in my Sew and Tell party. said...

What a great take-along project! Love your fabric choices!

Lin said...

A beautiful new project to work on. xx

maggie fellow said...

wow - i love watching your work

Alycia~Quiltygirl said...

Oh wow - that is a great block - you are an amazing applique'r!

Kate said...

A very pretty travel project!

time4stitchn said...

What an amazing quilt that Enchanted Garden! Your block is beautiful and beautifully done. What method of applique do you use? It looks like you got Edita's fabrics as well. Keep on stitching! So much fun!

Carol Andrews said...

Gretchen Enchanted Garden is going to be a beautiful quilt. Your appliqué work I so meticulous. Love Edyta Star”s patterns. Thank you for joining ToDo Tuesday 😀 Carol

Brenda @ Songbird Designs said...

This is a great take along project, Gretchen!! So pretty. Thanks for sharing with us at Monday Musings. Have a great week.