Wednesday, August 21, 2024

Blue Pineapples

I started piecing pineapple blocks at the Jane Stickle retreat last April, I didn't realize how time consuming these blocks were!

This August, I've managed to foundation paper piece 20 more blocks so 40 blocks are completed. 

Sorry, this picture has a dark tint to it. Here is a close up picture of some of the blocks.

I had originally planned to piece 49 blocks for a 7 blocks by 7 blocks setting. The blocks finish at 12.25" which means the quilt would be 85.75" by 85.75" square, but knowing me, I'll probably come up with a different measurement even though these blocks are foundation paper pieced. I don't intend to add a border.

85.75" square is an odd size for a quilt, too big for a throw, not large enough for a bed quilt.

If I would piece 24 more blocks I would have an 8 by 8 setting which would be 98" square, a decent bed quilt. I'm going for 24 more blocks.

I purchased the foundation papers from Gigi's Thimble. Gigi had a sew along in 2022 but I wasn't aware of it. I thought her quilt was beautiful when I stumbled across it. Of course it was in blues, how could I resist, so I ordered the foundation papers.

I was surprised when the papers arrived. The pattern was printed on ordinary white paper, just like what I would run through my printer. Normally paper used for foundation paper piecing is a lighter weight paper, easier to tear for removal, less apt to make the edge seams come undone when removing the paper.

I have these papers so I'm using them, however I do not recommend them. When I wrote my post in April about the blocks, someone commented that they normally use regular paper for foundation paper piecing. After foundation paper piecing 40 of these blocks, I am definitely NOT a regular paper fan and will stick to newspaper weight paper from now on. That's my opinion, you use whatever weight of paper you want to use.

Linking to Midweek Makers, Wednesday Wait Loss, Needle & Thread Thursday, Put Your Foot Down, TGIFF!, Finished or Not Friday, Off the Wall FridayPatchwork & Quilts


Podunk Pretties said...

This is gorgeous! I admire anyone who has the patience for PP. The paper removal...UGG...I made a hummingbird quilt years ago using the paperless paper piecing. Maybe someday I'll get more patience and be able to make a beauty like this.

greaterexp said...

Your blocks are stunning and definitely worth the work! But I agree that paper piecing like that is not my favorite method of piecing. I have yet to use my Creative Grids pineapple ruler, but think I must try it out, since pineapple quilts are some of my favorites. I can hardly wait to see your finished quilt!

Jocelyn is Canadian Needle Nana said...

Your blocks are glorious all together there, Gretchen. I too love blues. I was using regular paper for Foundation PP, but have discovered the newspaper weight and do find it much better and easier to tear, etc. Happy Stitching!

Maggie said...

Dear Gretchen, This is a great way to use up some scraps. This winter would be a great time to jump in and start a project using strips from my scraps to make these blocks. Thank you for sharing your beautiful piece. Blue is my favourite colour and I was not inspired the last while, this has given me back my mojo. Have a great day.

Gretchen Weaver said...

I'm looking forward to seeing what pretty blue & white quilt you start, happy stitching!

Nancy @ Grace and Peace Quilting said...

Wow! What amazing blocks, Gretchen!!! So cool that you're going for 24 more blocks. You are a quilt trooper!!!

Rebecca Grace said...

Well, I know EXACTLY how long it takes to piece those pineapple log cabin blocks, and yours are looking absolutely amazing! I love it!

Melisa- pinkernpunkinquilting said...

This is so exquisite, Gretchen. You go , girl! This is going to be an amazing quilt. Happy quilting. Hugs.

Jennifer Fulton Inquiring Quilter said...

What gorgeous blocks! I'm in love. Like you there is no way I would paper piece using ordinary paper, especially for pineapple blocks. I can't believe she sold you ordinary paper. Thanks for sharing on my weekly show and tell, Wednesday Wait Loss.

Frédérique - Quilting Patchwork Appliqué said...

Wow, your blocks are beautiful, I love them. It's going to be another beautiful blue quilt!

Lin said...

Beautiful! xx

Robin said...

24 more bocks, oh my! This is beautiful and you are so ambitious.

Preeti said...

Such a labor of love. Looks like you and Connie are on the same pineapple wavelength! Exquisite Showstopper of a Quilt! said...

Absolutely gorgeous! I did purchase the papers when Gigi had her sew along although I didn't participate. Good to know about the papers. . .Have you ever tried to fold the paper on the lines and then when you stitch, you fold the paper out of the way? You stitch close to the line. This way there is no paper removal at the end and the template can be reused.

Thearica said...

WOW! My hats if off to you! Paper piecing and I do not get along well at all. I love your quilt!

Gretchen Weaver said...

I know people do that but I've never tried it. I'll survive the paper removal. It will take awhile though. Thanks for commenting!

Gwyned Trefethen said...

I'm with you on the newsprint weight paper for paper piecing. I also use a tiny stitch. The combination makes paper removal easier. I design my own blocks on EQ8. I print them either on EQ8 newsprint printable paper or Carol Doak's foundation paper. Your blue pineapple looks are perfection. Love the variety of blue fabrics.

Alycia~Quiltygirl said...

That is a super time consuming quilt - but man is it beautiful. I always though PP paper was like tissue paper - but what di I know - I don't PP - good luck with your 24

PaintedThread said...

What a beautiful quilt!

cityquilter grace said...

i bought a ream of newsprint squares eons ago and love it for paper piecing...cheapest way to go as well

Karen S said...

These blocks are stunning and do look wonderful together. You must have a lot of patience!