Tuesday, October 11, 2022

Life Update

In an earlier post I had mentioned there were some life changes on the farm and that I would be posting about those changes. Here is the first of several posts and there are two sections to this post.

Section 1 - The farmer graduated from high school in the spring of 1971. The full responsibility of milking twice a day became his job. In the winter of 2020-21, he told me he was thinking of selling the milking cows, 50 years was long enough. I didn't believe him, he loves these cows!

We have never been a commercial herd that only produces milk, our herd is a breeding herd. The genetics in our herd produce milk but also the favorable type and style that promoted longevity and health. It's hard to explain unless you're a cattle breeder. 

In June of 2021 a dairywoman from Pennsylvania came and talked the farmer into selling one of the top show cows. Once people found that out, we were inundated by offers for the cattle. The last milking cow left the farm in February 2022. The cattle are now residing from Pennsylvania west to Missouri and from Wisconsin south to Louisiana.

Most of the cattle that left the farm were the milking cows but a lot of the young females were sold too. Soon after the last the milking herd left, one of those young females that stayed here on the farm, calved and he's milking 2 cows again! He just can't entirely quit.

Section 2 of this post -

To make a long story short, last April we looked at a new house (just 2 miles from the farm) being sold by the owner before she put it on the market.

We went . . . we looked . . . we loved it and we BOUGHT IT! The closing was June 15 and I have been slowly moving stuff over to the new house. We made the big move on September 24 and we've been sleeping here ever since.

This picture is taken from the southwest side. It was a bright sunny day so the gray siding looks a little faded. 

We're close enough to the farm for the farmer to go milk his 2 cows, I guess you would say he commutes to work. Not all the stuff is moved out of the farmhouse. That's the only house we ever lived in and that was for 46 years! 

Let me show you around inside the house.

I'm standing in the doorway. Our main living area is a great room and it's a great place to display quilts. Those rafters were milled from trees harvested from this acreage.

On the left side you can see Nearly Insane. Behind Nearly Insane is the Pastor's Attic quilt. On the right side is 9 Patches & Hourglass.

Looking toward the left side of the living room is Floral Triangles (Sweet Surrender).

On the right side of the living room is Tree Farm by Edyta Sitar. I wasn't blogging when I made Tree Farm.

This is my kitchen. I love all the space! The kitchen in the farmhouse was good sized but there wasn't much countertop space. I certainly have it now!

The quilt hanging in the dining area is my Grandmother's Flower Garden quilt.

I would have like to had the quilts hang higher where the ceiling starts but I couldn't because of those vents. The rods had to be secured into the studs. I didn't want my quilts falling off the walls during the night.

The fireplace is natural gas and it keeps our home warm now by itself. We haven't started the regular furnace yet. 

I'll show you more of the house in the next post. This was enough for today.


  1. Gretchen - wow! You are in the middle of so many changes! I am in shock! Even though it's been 50 years, I'm glad The Farmer still has SOME cows to milk. I hope they're keeping him out of trouble ;)

    Your new home is gorgeous. I love how open it is and that you have some really cool places to display your lovely quilts. I can't wait to read more!!

  2. What a huge change for you both and what a lovely new home. Those beams are perfect for displaying your quilts.

  3. Now I understand the commute the farmer has!!! When these cows get old enough will he rehome them I wonder???
    I love your new home and can’t wait to see more!
    You are an excellent story teller too btw!

  4. Your new house is a dream!!! Oh My, All those gorgeous quilts on display. Love reading your post, Gretchen. I wish you and the Farmer beeing very happy and healthy in your new home.

  5. This is so exciting! A huge new chapter in your and the farmer's lives! I am not sure I've seen a photo of your farm house--I am not sure how long I've been following your blog, but several years. I'm just thinking about the beauty of one-floor living, particularly as we get older. Hooray for happy change!

  6. what a change for you to have made such a move but still keep the farm - you can continue to garden and he can continue with his love of the cows. The house is perfect for hanging quilts

  7. Dear Gretchen,
    Congratulations on your new home. Moving is something that can be stressful and it is wonderful to get a fresh start after so many years. When we say we are downsizing the universe has a good laugh and things do not always work out that way. Love the fact that you can now display your quilts in so many creative ways. Wishing you both and the two cows lots of amazing memories and lots of adventures on your new journey.

  8. Gorgeous new home and how lovely to see your quilts on display!

  9. Oh my goodness what a huge step!! How is he doing without all of his cows??? I grew up on a large farm and my dad just kept going till maybe a week before he died (of cancer). I don't think he would have known what to do without the farm that he was born on and worked his entire life (and his dad before that; Hubs and I are still on a small part of it.). I hope the transition hasn't been hard. The house looks lovely and not too far from home--super! Congrats on settling in for an easier life! Farming can be so hard, I know!!!

  10. Gretchen!!! I know that you have been dreaming of moving for a long long time into an updated home. What a wonderful blessing for you as I know you worked as hard as your Farmer man! It is good that he has someplace to go each day - it will keep him young. I love your home - how beautiful and so spacious!!! Will you have a garden at the new home, or just relax and enjoy your new life? Your quilts are beautiful hanging for you both to enjoy! All in all, I am so very happy happy for you - you deserve this! How are your grand children doing these days? Bet they have really grown, but you will still be close! Hugs!!!!!

  11. Wow! This was quite a big change for you both. I can't imagine cleaning out a house I had lived 46 years in. The most I had to clean out was 23 years and that was enough. I'm so happy for you and very jealous of all the space to hang quilts. So beautiful. . .

  12. My goodness, that certainly is a big life change for you both! Your new home is lovely, all that space to show off your quilts too.

  13. My goodness, Gretchen! These are big, big changes for you! It appears you are handling them well, and truly, your quilts displayed like this through the new house look nothing short of spectacular!

  14. I broke into a grin with the first interior picture. How wonderful! So happy for you and your Farmer, and his cows as well. It seems both the cows that left and those that stayed are in tall cotton.

  15. Congratulations on your new home. Congrats to Farmer on his pre-retirement. Now he can be a full-time hobby farmer. That would be such a big life change. You have decorated the new home beautifully. I am sure that farmer took such great care of his herd for 50 years as you do your quilts. It's so nice that you are only two miles from the farm. Being raised on a farm, it was a big change for me to move from it to my first home when I was in my late 20's. I'm thankful that my husband and I have a little acreage now so that we can "piddle". Welcome to your new adventure.

    The kitchen is beautiful! I bet lots of yummy things will be done on those beautiful countertops.

  16. What an amazing new house - its perfect for your quilts!!!!
    and the famer has to commute - I love that - he is still in love with his cows ( that I totally understand!)

  17. What a gorgeous house and your quilts look like they were made for it! What a lovely new place to live. I can see why farmer can't quite give up his cows. They look so sweet! Thanks for sharing on Wednesday Wait Loss.

  18. That sounds like a huge change for both of you, but what a lovely new home! Hopefully it is the best of both worlds. I love how you can hang so many quilts over the rafters - just beautiful!

  19. What a beautiful new home, and so many gorgeous quilts on display! I'm glad your hubs' commute isn't too long - I hope the traffic doesn't become too much of a headache (smile). We've been in this house for over 30 years, and a shudder at the thought of having to pack it up if we decided to move!

  20. Wow, those are big changes. Hope you finish up the move swiftly and smoothly. Will the farm be sold in the near future, or is that in the coming posts?

  21. Wow! Your new home is so beautiful. Congrats!

  22. I'm so glad you are giving us a tour! Your house is beautiful - I love the setting against those trees. What a showplace for your lovely quilts - looks like the house was built for you. I love that countertop island with the overhang. I'd love to make that change in our kitchen! I am LOL at your husband "commuting" to work. Thank you so much for sharing with To Do Tuesday!

  23. Your new home is just lovely and wow just look at all those wonderful quilts on display!

  24. Growing up on a dairy farm, I know how hard it is for the farmer to let go! Even after our cows were gone, my dad served as resident obstetrician for a 600 cow dairy, where all he did was deliver baby calves until he finally quit at age 83! He just needed his cow fix every day.
    Your new home is magnificent, just lovely! I can’t wait to see more. Congratulations on a successfully navigating such a huge life change!

  25. Gretchen, I just found the post of your new home. It looks beautiful. My husband and I will most likely be looking for a single floor home also in the next few years. Seeing your pretty space gives me hope we will find one that I love. Enjoy your new home.

  26. The new house is beautiful. So pretty with quilts hanging from the rafters!
    Thanks for linking up with the Put Your Foot Down blog!

  27. Hi Gretchen, while I have been following your move, I have just spent a very enjoyable time catching up on my reading. What a mammoth task to move out of somewhere you have lived for 46-50 years! And it must be a major mindset change for your husband too, after being 'in the shed' for all that time. You have made your new house into a real home - it looks loved and lived in, and you seem happy there.
