Friday, October 14, 2022

Life Update, the Master Bedroom & More

Today I'm going to give you a tour of the master bedroom. The white and blue are NOT the original color, it was green! No way was I going to have a green bedroom or bathroom.

Most people don't have a china corner cupboard in their bedroom but there were no corners large enough in the great room for the cupboard to go into. I didn't want it in my office or the guest bedroom.

The quilt on our bed is Double Delight. 

I don't have any quilts hanging in the bedroom so far but I do have a quilt ladder. There is also a small quilt rack but I forgot to take a picture of that.

The people we bought the house from had a LOT of clothes in their closet. I put the Farmer's chest of drawers in ours. The walls of the closet are the original green of the bedroom and bathroom. I can handle green in the closet.

The other side of the closet is used for quilt storage and other things.

No quilts hanging in our bathroom either. We have his and her sinks. We also have a handicapped shower stall which was a feature that was very important to me, especially after watching my parents and the Farmer's parents age in homes that weren't elder friendly.

All the hallways in our house are wide enough for  easy wheelchair mobility.

The hallway that comes in from the garage has a utility sink along with the washer and dryer on one side. The other side is all cupboards with lots of storage space.

The Farmer thought we would install our old washer, No Way! Several years ago I had to get a new washer and all that was available were the high efficiency washers. I hate that washer, it's fine if your clothes don't get dirty but on a farm, you have dirty clothes. I had asked the sales clerk if they didn't have a washer with an agitator and was informed that that type of washer was now obsolete.

Look inside this washer! I guess I wasn't the only person who doesn't like high efficiency washers.

The washer has nothing to do with quilts but I am so pleased with this washer. In case you are wondering, I keep that knob in the bleach dispenser when I'm not using the washer. This way the inside drys after use and doesn't get musty. It's not open very far, you don't even notice it.

Some of you had questions in comments in the last post so here are some answers.

No, we're not selling the farm. The Farmer is still farming, just not the whole farm. We've been cash renting part of the land for several years to neighboring dairy farmers.

The Farmer is enjoying his semi-retirement, he's sleeping in until 6 am, not 4:45 am like he did for most of those 50 years of milking.

He's milking 2 cows now but one of the cows will be traveling to Louisiana after she is exhibited in the Guernsey show at the NAILE  in November. The other cow will be dried off (she won't give milk anymore) and overwintered until spring along with other young stock on the farm.

There is more house to see, I'll show you the guest bedroom and my office next Tuesday.

Linking to Put Your Foot Down, Needle & Thread Thursday, Whoop Whoop Party, Peacock Party, TGIFF!, Finished Or Not Friday, Off the Wall Friday, Patchwork & Quilts


  1. What a wonderful home y’all have found!!!

  2. I so agree with you on the washing machine - I had bought an "efficient" machine some years back and put up with it for only a couple years and went back and found one with an agitator - the water savers and whatever all they call them do not clean.
    Good idea on the dresser in the closet - that is a huge closet. And yes at our age we need to think of having things right when we get older - I already have bars in the bathroom from when I injured a thigh muscle earlier in the summer and had difficulty raising myself up from the toilet! I no longer need it but we are both 70 so the bars should stay put right we might need them again.

  3. Many thanks for another peek into your new home, must say that I love the quilt ladder. I'm waiting patiently for one of those. I do have a quilt rack in the bedroom, but still want a ladder in the sitting room, not too much to ask, I think?

  4. I hate my washing machine! I also could not get a good machine when we had to upgrade. They rip up the edges of the pillow cases (I take my batik stash and find a match and sew a binding over the frayed edges. The washing machine takes 2 hours to get a good wash. The Dryer sucks. It will roll the sheets up in a ball and sometimes they are not totally dry after 115 minutes! Also I do not dare dry anything with the sheets/pillow cases - anything else ends up inside the ball of sheets wet! OK. - Love your home! So pretty! Enjoy - Looking forward to the next set of pictures! Lots of beautiful quilts there~. Hugs

  5. You have so many beautiful quilts!!

    I've heard so many bad stories about high efficiency washers that I insisted we haul our 1990s-era washer with us on our cross-country move. We just had someone do a general checkup on it and he said it's working great!

  6. When a house functions for you it brings joy and time to do what you love. Clearly your home is the perfect set up for you. The master bedroom quilt is lovely.

  7. I think that here we don't have high efficiency washers yet. Mine is traditional, never heard about them.
    Your house sure is a quilter home,gretchen, So lovely all the details. Looks like that houses we seem on magazines.
    Your house is sure to be a quilter's house, so adorable in every detail. It looks like the houses is seeing inside home decor magazines.

  8. So enjoyed reading these two house posts. We too left a farm though hubby never farmed, just rented out the land, but he had lived there 47 years. And moved to a home that is more suited to aging in place. Our main area is open and similar to yours. Our house is a wooden one but flat not rounded logs. The highlight for me was seeing all your wondrous quilts displayed so beautifully in the high and low places. Thank you for sharing these wonderful things, Gretchen.

  9. it is so beautiful. I love how you have your quilts in the blue room - it is just so pretty!!!! and yep - I like the blue better!!
    For washers - right? I declined the high efficiency too - i think they make your quilts bleed when you wash them - not enough water to pull the dyes out.

  10. I am loving the new home tour. I love all the quilts, of course. One of my favorite parts of this post is your washing machine! Yes, we bought a high efficiency washer when we needed a new one as well. My husband said that it just doesn't get his clothes clean like the agitator washer. I totally get it that the high efficiency washers are for more of the general public vs. the people that work on equipment and farms. That's okay. Because my husband is so handy and can fix so many things he got one of the older washers working with modified parts. It lives up in the garage.

    The "other house" that we have been building was well thought out by my husband in his plans. It also has wide hallways and doorways for wheel chair access. Planning ahead is so important.

  11. Great home tour! Your master bedroom is great, I love the ladder and the beautiful king size quilt on the bed ;)
    Thank you for sharing the tour and linking up!

  12. Thanks for the new home tour, Gretchen!!! It looks fabulous already!!! I love how you can hang quilts from the rafters!!! And the blue bedroom would be my choice, too!!!

  13. Wow - your new home looks so roomy. I love that you were able to find a home that will be accessible for you and your husband no matter what the future brings - that's so smart. And I'm glad that you were able to find a washing machine with an agitator! I've always had the most basic washer/dryer combos and am glad for it. I hear horror stories about the newer ones!

    Your quilts - as always - are an inspiration. Thank you for sharing all of these pictures!
