Sunday, October 9, 2022

Welsh Beauty

Before I left for Utah, I rolled Welsh Beauty, I can actually see the ticking I pinned the flimsy to at the very top of the quilt!

Here are pictures of my quilting from right to left.

There are several sections of cross hatching with the bottoms of the flowers quilted. I'm only showing you one section.

In the next picture, I'm standing at the top of the quilt, opposite of the side I quilt on. Ticking is attached to the rod and I pin the quilt flimsy to the ticking. As I roll more, the ticking will lengthen. I'll show you more next time I post about Welsh Beauty.

This is so exciting, just 9" more to quilt! I'm not sure if this will be 2 or 3 swaths across, it just depends on the mood I'm in. I have a tendency to try to teach in too far but then my stitches aren't as small as I like them.

Here is a link to my first post about Welsh Beauty and here is a link to a picture of an unquilted Welsh Beauty on the Stencil Company page. This will give you an idea of the area left to quilt compared with the rest of the quilt.

Linking to Kathys Slow Stitching Sunday, Stitching Stuff, Oh Scrap, Monday Making, Handmade Monday, Design Wall Monday, Craftastic Monday


  1. Your welsh beauty is so elegant and almost done too! I can’t wait to see where it calls home once bound!!!
    Thanks for sharing your journey on this marvelous quilt!!!

  2. I can't belive Welsh Beauty is almost done! It has been a pleasure to follow this magnificent hand quilting, Gretchen.

  3. You are so close to finishing. Only 9 inches left! How many inches have you already competed? I love seeing your posts. Inspiration for my own quilting.

  4. You are so close!!! I can't wait to see the whole quilt - it is absolutely stunning! ~Jeanne

  5. That has to feel so good to see the end in sight. It's going to be an amazing finish.

  6. You have done a beautiful job on this quilt Gretchen. Such dedication! I so admire your quilting stitches. Hugs

  7. Your dedication is amazing! I get bored with crosshatching and can't stick with it very long, but it looks so wonderful!

  8. Beautiful stitching. That project would have taken me 100 years, I admire your dedication also! Happy stitching!

  9. Oh wow it is beautiful I can't believe how neat your stitching is.

  10. You are almost there, how exciting. As always, your quilting is exquisite.

  11. You have been flying Gretchen! Only 9 inches left, wow!

  12. Gretchen, your quilting is absolutely amazing!

  13. That is indeed going to be a beauty!!

  14. Your hand quilting is so beautiful. I'm eager to see it all spread out to see the entire quilt. Will be gorgeous!
