Friday, April 22, 2022

Blue Ridge Beauty

The Blue Ridge Beauty blocks have been trimmed and sewn together. They need to be pressed then arranged on the display floor.

I always think it so interesting when I chain stitch blocks how they come from the sewing machine . . .

slide over the edge of the sewing cabinet . . .

then arrange themselves so gracefully in a circle pile on the floor!

I've shown this before and people ask me how I do this! I don't do anything but sew, they arrange themselves.

Blue Ridge Beauty is a Bonnie Hunter pattern from her book Adventures With Leaders & Enders! Blue Ridge Beauty is #4 on my list of challenges for 2022.

Linking to Put Your Foot Down, Needle & Thread Thursday, Peacock Party, TGIFF!, Finished Or Not Friday, Off the Wall Friday, Patchwork & Quilts


Tazzie said...

Gretchen, you are a whirlwind! I love how your piecing arranged itself so artfully. Bravo!

Preeti said...

I see the pretty fabric rose but the rug is so beautiful. When I chain piece, the stitched units end up in an ugly heap, jammed between the sewing table and the stuff behind:-( Have a great weekend.

grammajudyb said...

How interesting! I don think I’ve ever chained that large a “chain”! But I’m sure they would be a tangled heap! Oh, to have a clean floor behind my machine!

Alycia~Quiltygirl said...

Your making amazing progress!!!

Gretchen Weaver said...

My sewing room used to be son #2's room. When I painted his room so many years ago, I allowed him to pick the carpet. He made a good selection, the carpet shows no wear even though it's over 25 years old.

Jenny said...

That's amazing, so many little blocks all chained together and nestling into a circle.

Home Sewn By Us said...

Hi Gretchen! That is just amazing how the sewn pieces arrange themselves!! I can't say that happens for me - mine just bunch up on my table. Imagine the first one in the set putting on the brakes, refusing to fall over the edge. All of the sets thereafter jam up together. There's a whole lot of work in that neat stack! Thanks so much for linking up for TGIFF. {{Hugs}} ~smile~ Roseanne

Ivani said...

This is so cool!

Maggie said...

Dear Gretchen,
Mine never do this, yours looks like an flower. Amazing to see how the blocks just drape themselves over the table and onto the floor. Super cool.

Gretchen Weaver said...

When there is a small pile built up on the table, I shove them over the edge, otherwise they'd get all tangled.

PaintedThread said...

Excellent! I love that pile of blocks!

Shelina said...

That is a gorgeous chain! My chains wind up in ugly lumps too, tangled ones, so I tend to keep them relatively short.

Frédérique - Quilting Patchwork Appliqué said...

Wow, beautiful and fun pile of blocks! I never chain piece so many blocks, but I'm sure they would not fall so gracefully ;)
Thank you for sharing your amazing skill and linking up!

QuiltGranma said...

That is a lot of piecing all at once and a lovely pile on the floor