Sunday, November 19, 2017

A New Embroidery Project

Last spring, summer, sometime this year anyway, I mentioned that I had been embroidering with Perl cotton thread and how I liked the way it glided through the fabric.

My friend Elaine mentioned that she wanted me to try some cotton thread she likes to use. At the Jane Stickle retreat, she pulled out a box with spools of 12 weight thread. This is the equivalent of 2 strands of regular embroidery thread.

She asked me if I had brought an embroidery project along, uh no, I hadn't.

Saturday morning I took a break and went over to Yoder's to show my friend Nancy some of the projects I had been working on. While there I browsed in the embroidery section and found a preprint panel of flowers designed by Darlene Zimmerman. I thought it was very pretty. I haven't done any preprint embroidery in years so I bought the panel.

There are 8 blocks so I will have some interesting embroidery ahead of me. I used Elaine's thread and embroidered 2 of the tulips. I liked the thread and had my DIL order a box for me after I returned home.

The thread has arrived and here it is!
The box isn't completely full but this will give me a good start on colors.

I know preprinted embroidered blocks are not a popular project anymore but I still enjoy working with them. And it simplifies my life too by not having to decide which colors to use. I'm still in control of which shade of color.

Linking to Slow Sunday Stitching, Esther's Wednesday WOW!.


Deanna W said...

I have used the 12 weight thread on a blue work "winter wonderland" quilt that I made.I like having the thread on a spool and not having to separate the strands but I did find that longer pieces of the 12 weight tended to shred easily. Had to cut shorter pieces and all was good!

The Cozy Quilter said...

How nice of your friend to let you try out the thread before you purchased your own box! 8 blocks should keep you in slow Sunday stitches for a while.

Karen - Quilts...etc. said...

I love the Aurifil #12 and wish I had found it sooner. I used to use the pre-printed squares all the time for embroidery but have not worked on it much in recent years.

Deb said...

I have noted the type of thread you are using for this project I'd like to try it myself some time. I am a die hard fan of preprinted embroidery blocks, I have several I have collected over the decades I will take one out when I am in between projects or when I'm at a loss for a design. I just ordered the Windowsill Garden 8 block panel. Happy Stitching!

Quilter Kathy said...

I have only used this thread once for big stitch quilting and I really liked it!
Enjoy your hand stitching!

Gretchen Weaver said...

I also embroidered on pre-printed fabric when I was a child. I'm excited to learn that there are lot of people out there using pre-printed fabrics. I thought this was a dying process.

Gretchen Weaver said...

I've discovered the shredding factor but not having to divide the thread makes up for that. Thanks for your comment!

Gretchen Weaver said...

I think I'll be working on these blocks for all of this winter. The only problem is, I should be working on other things but sitting and embroidering is too much fun!

Gretchen Weaver said...

I googled the Windowsill Garden pattern, I think I found the right one. Very pretty!

Chris said...

I hadn't done any embroidery for years and years until adding some stems to the BTCT blocks. I forgot how enjoyable it is to do the simple stitches. this might be a new trend you are starting.

CathieJ said...

I have a few preprinted bibs that I inherited from my Aunt. I am hoping to embroidery them when there are grandchildren on the way. That will be probably several years from now. Your flowers panels is so very pretty. I really like the variety of thread colors that are in that box.

Karen said...

That looks like a handy container of thread.

Gretchen Weaver said...

I enjoy applique but embroidery is the most relaxing to me. Me, a trendsetter? We'll see.

Alcea Rosea 31 said...

I love your panel, it is lovely to have a project all set up, ready to put in a few stitches. I used DMC perle thread for my crazy quilting block and love the ease of use and the sheen.

Pamela Arbour said...

I have too much fabric right now to pick up my embroidery, but I hope to get back to it in the near future. I will enjoy seeing the progress on yours!

colleen said...

I use Aunt Martha brand patterns to transfer via iron to cloth then stitch. The preprinted fabrics I've seen have all been a cotton/poly blend, with the iron on transfers I can use 100%cotton fabric.
With the 12 weight thread do you use or strand or multiple strands of thread ?
Thank you

Carrolyn V said...

I love Darlene Zimmermann printed embroideries and have several. I love, love to have quick take-along projects to meetings, appts, watching TV etc. Thanks for the hint on thread. I use Prescenia too but will try to Sulky and love the sets. Thanks for taking the time to blog. You are a special blog friend. Carrolyn V (not Rod)

Glenda said...

Morning Gretchen so lovely to see you are doing these lovely embroidery prints, embroidery is also one of my favour it loves and I do enjoy working it in to my patchwork applqiue work. At the moment I'm embroidering borderie perse flowers in stem stitch which of all stitches I find the most relaxing. My mouth watered at all those lovely colours you have just received, I like the idea of not having to pull two threads every time from my DMC threads but I have 1000's of them as I inherited my mums and she had every colour they produced up till 2009 and then my aunts too LOL So Im very very lucky so I guess I will just have to keep pulling those threads LOL Cheers Glenda

Anonymous said...

Great keep up the Good work..

Best Embroidery Design>>Machine Embroidery Design

Home Sewn By Us said...

Hi Gretchen,
Oh those tulips are lovely! The drew me right in from the little thumbnail. I love to cross stitch, and printed panels are the same thing only you don't have to count! Nothing wrong with that in my book. That floss looks divine. I have always used DMC . . . mostly from my days of owning a cross stitch/framing shop. I did use perle cotton for hardanger and cutouts. Enjoy and Happy Thanksgiving! ~smile~ Roseanne