Sunday, March 6, 2016

Applique & Grandchildren Quilts

I've been sewing away since I've returned from Arizona and I have a lot to share with you.

Before I left for Tempe, I had pinned a Zippy-Strippy so she would be ready to quilt when I returned home. I had thought I would try to make all of these quilts from my stash but I took the easy way out and used a jelly-roll to make an easy Zippy-Strippy. As normal I did easy straightline quilting and stitch-in-the-ditch with my home machine. This quilt is for one of the granddaughters.
I pulled some fabric from my stash of mother's fabrics. Yes, I used some of mom's precious Jinny Beyer border print fabric for a quilt back! Let this be a lesson to you, this year's must have fabrics will be the next generations quilt back fabrics. Use those special fabrics now!

The 2nd Majestic Mountain quilt is also finished and will be delivered this week to the NY state grandson. Again, stitch in the ditch and straightline quilting. One of these days I will be brave and try something else, but for now I'm satisfied with easy. 

Fabric from mom's stash once again used for backing. I often wonder how she had planned to use the stripped fabric. I know I have a plan for all the fabric I have, I just need to get it sewn.

Last fall I sewed a lot of 4-patch blocks, I didn't really have a plan for them at that time. I pulled that box of blocks out this week and pieced this quilt top for the last of granddaughter quilts. I won't get her quilted before I leave but hopefully there will be time to get her layered and pinned so she is ready to quilt when I return to Indiana. I've named this quilt the Scrappy Rainbow quilt.

Just for fun, while I was piecing Scrappy Rainbow, I sewed 4-patches together and came up with 5 blocks containing 100 1" finished blocks. I guess I've started a postage stamp quilt. 

I've put this project on hold for now, I want to make more 4-patches so there is more variety in the quilt. The leftover fabrics from Sweet Surrender will look great in this quilt but I need to finish Sweet Surrender first.

The Sweet Surrender blocks that were on the WOF have been appliqued.

Blogger won't let me put these 3 blocks photos in a single row! 

Block 7 in the Pastor's Attic Quilt has been appliqued too. It is so easy to back-baste needle turn these larger pieces.

Yesterday (Saturday) the farmer was gone to an all day dairy meeting so I had the house (and the TV) to myself. I took quilting needle in hand and started quilting on my long neglected Fussy Cut Star wallhanging. It felt good to be quilting again. By milking time I had completed a substantial amount of quilting and I'm ready to roll. The quilting doesn't show except in the white diamonds. I'm actually using 4 different colors of quilting thread; white, cream, beige and black. I want the stars to be the focus of the quilt, not the quilting. It is going to be interesting to see what the back of the quilt looks like when she is completed.
I'm taking a short break from applique until I return from NY. So what do I work on in the evenings? I knit dishrags! I'll be taking this project along to work on while I'm on the train and during downtime in NY.

Linking to - 

A Quilting Reader's Garden
Kathy's Slow Stitching Sunday
Quilting is More Fun than Housework
Love Laugh Quilt
Quilt Story
Esther's Wednesday WOW


Shelina said...

You've shown us so many beautiful projects in this one post. Each is incredible. I really like the Pastor's Attic Quilt - it reminds me of the applique quilt I am working on - 1857 Album.

Cathy said...

What a wide variety of lovely projects. Good for you for being so very versatile!

Cynthia Brunz Designs said...

Wow...have you been productive. So much eye candy in this one post. Thanks for sharing with Oh Scrap!

Angie in SoCal said...

So many gorgeous quilts. Lucky grandkids. I need a project like your dishrags. Mine would have to be crochet. Safe travels. And thanks for linking to WIPs Be Gone.

Anonymous said...

Pretty applique blocks. Sometimes multiple photos need o be combined into one photo prior to posting. I have always wanted to make a diamond star quilt such as yours.

Quilter Kathy said...

You have surrounded yourself with great beauty with all these lovely projects!
I love the 4 patch blocks! And of course the sweet surrenders are my favourites!

Deb @ Frugal Little Bungalow said...

What a productive time you have had! :)

beth s said...

WOW! You have so much inspiration here today!! I love it ALL!!! EVEN the dishrag. ;)

Chopin - A Passionate Quilter said...

You have really been busy. I am working on CWB. I am a week behind - this is what happens when dummies try to do the splits when stepping out of the bathtub! But over that and getting things going on CWB. Redoing most of the block patterns.
Have a great time in NY.

Maggie said...

Love the Scrappy Rainbow Quilt! Have fun on your travels.

Karen said...

More pretty applique blocks. I like to see them.

Glenda said...

Ohhh Gretchen I'm just so tired after reading all you have done I need a sleep LOL WOW you really are on a sewing and quilting roll. not sure what to comment on first, how lovely it was to see those Sweet surrender blocks together love those 1930's fabrics. Laughed at Ginny Beyer ending up on the back of the quilt but bet it looks good there. Great Majesty mountain quilt a very lucky GS. How wonderful to ahve a Postage stamp quilt on the go they are such sweet sweet reminds of an area for the future and the past. Beautiful beautiful quilting on your star quilt love that quilt. Stunning Block 7 in the Pastor's Attic Quilt I don't know how you needle turn those sharp edges what an inspiration to us all. Like I said so much just to look at what a blog. Thanks for sharing Hugs Glenda

Plum Cox said...

Oh my goodness! How prolific you are! Wonderful quilts - your family are very lucky to have such a talented and generous grandma! I particularly love your four patch quilt!