Thursday, June 13, 2024

This 'N That

I'm working on some odds and ends now since Radiant Stars has been completed.

First are some project bags I've made or partially made. Deanna gave me the pattern when she visited in April for the quilt retreat.

Do you notice that I didn't use blue fabrics, I'm kind of blued out right now. This project bag is the 18" size.

I ran into a problem though with the zipper so bag 1 is at a standstill until I get some help from a friend.

The next bag finishes at 16" and I used the same fabrics, I like the red and aqua colors. 

I used a white zipper I found in a drawer. It worked just fine.

I've also been doing some cleaning, sorting and organizing. I noticed a large tub on the bottom of one of the metal shelves and wondered what was in there. I opened it and discovered fabrics from mother's stash and . . . . some unfinished quilts!

Dots & Dash - 

Jewel Box blocks left from a quilt I made our oldest granddaughter many many years ago.

Also a bunch of uneven 9 patch blocks and embroidered blocks for a crib quilt. No pictures of those projects.

Mother's fabrics are going to be cut into blocks to make comforter tops then passed along to another person to piece the comforters.

I'll try to make the unfinished projects into small quilts, hopefully that won't take too long. I have several small quilts and other projects I want to machine quilt, I'll just add these to the stack when they're pieced.

Several weeks ago, Michelle (From Bolt to Beauty) posted about the scrappy stars quilt she pieced called Quilty Stars. This pattern was designed by Emily Dennis. She decided to gift the pattern to one of the people who commented on her blog that day and the random generator selected me! This looks like a fun pattern, I certainly have plenty of 2.5" squares to use.  Thank you Michelle!

Linking to Midweek Makers, Wednesday Wait Loss, Put Your Foot DownTGIFF!, Finished or Not  Friday, Off the Wall Friday, Beauty Pageant, Patchwork & Quilts


Michele McLaughlin said...

I'm scrolling back and I have to see, Hearts and Wreaths is one of the prettiest quilts I've seen in a long time. I love the applique, the color and the quilting! The border is wonderful too! I love radiant stars too but I understand how you could be "blued" out! I love your bags and what a gift to find projects and Mom's fabric. Have a lovely day!

Linda said...

I like your reds! I like red and aqua too, and I use it a lot at Christmas! Your bags look really cute. I have that Quilty Stars pattern and got all the pieces cut out and laid them nicely into a little box and there they sit!

greaterexp said...

What a fabulous finish! What an accomplishment! That gorgeous quilt is so worth every bit of time and effort, though I'm sure you enjoyed the process.

Jennifer Fulton Inquiring Quilter said...

Such pretty project bags! I'm sure you'll soon get that zipper sorted with the help of your friend. Those leftover blocks will make pretty, small quilts. They will soon find a home for sure. Thanks for sharing on my weekly show and tell, Wednesday Wait Loss.

Anne-Marie said...

I like red and aqua together too. I think the blocks is an unexpected gift. My mind is spinning with the possibilities of the dot dash blocks. And winning the pattern from Michelle is a great gift too!

Melisa- pinkernpunkinquilting said...

Blued out? I can not believe it? Lol. Happy Thursday, Gretchen. Your project bag is looking fabulous and what pretty reds you are using. I bet it was a joy to look back into your Mom's bins and sort through her stash and how fun to find some projects . Have a wonderful day and Happy quilting. Hugs.

Jayne Honnold said...

I totally understand how you can be "blued out" as I frequently get that feeling, too. It may not be a color I am tired of, but instead, a style or type. For example, I love Kaffe Fassett fabrics, but after making a couple quilts, I always desire a break from them and go back to other styles like reproductions or calico prints. I also find that I can become tired of a block - like a few years ago when I was making Churn Dash blocks for 3 or 4 different quilts. I was tired of churn dashes after that, and moved on to 9-patches, and then I grew tired of them. Fortunately, quilting is full of variety, so we have loads of options!

Lin said...

A nice new project - will it be blue I wonder! Those project bags are always useful and I do like the dot and dash blocks. xx

Karen - Quilts...etc. said...

the quilt you call Dot and Dash I made about 5+ years ago only I didn't have that name or a pattern for it. I had seen one similar on Pinterest. I added an applique border around it with felt flowers and bugs etc.

Gwyned Trefethen said...

What fun to rediscover a treasure trove of fabric and blocks. Seems you'll be changing their status from UFO to FO while contemplating wonderful memories. Enjoy!

Frédérique - Quilting Patchwork Appliqué said...

I'm sure blue will come back soon ;) Pretty red blocks, this aqua fabric is cute and lovely. How fun to discover forgotten fabrics and blocks! Congratulations for winning the pattern. Now that Radiant Stars is completed, you have several new projects to work on! said...

That looks like a fun pattern to try. Congratulations on winning it! I hope you figure out your zipper with the project bags. Several of my quilter friends have been making those for themselves and their various projects. They like those bags for their various projects as the bags helps keep their project organized.

Tazzie said...

What a fun discovery in the fabric tub, I'll look forward to seeing what you make with your finds. You're always so busy and creative.
*hugs* Tazzie

Julie said...

The reds are wonderful Gretchen. I just love the colours & the fabrics you are using in those project bags - just so pretty 💕

Deb said...

Ohhh, I may start a dots & Dash today. Another project !! I have a bunch of 2 in strips piling up and a shelf full of whites. Good Scrap burner there . Or just use 2" strips of solids maybe?
hmmm Thank you for the opening of that rabbit hole!