Sunday, March 1, 2020

More Hand Quilting

This is the progress I've made on Floral Triangles this week. A view of the row before I rolled.

Left side border.

I rolled and look, look at the left side of the picture, do you see that straight red border? That's the start of the top border of the quilt! The end is in sight.

Right side border.

Appliqued grapes, love it! It does take quite awhile to quilt around them but that's time well spent.

This is the block I was working on when I took pictures after I rolled. I probably finished this block before I left Thursday but will show you the finished triangle in the next post.

Even though I don't like this block that well, quilting brings it to life and makes it much more appealing.

Thursday, February 20, I flew to Phoenix to spend the rest of February with our daughter. I wrote most of this post Wednesday afternoon, February 19 so it would be ready to go Sunday, March 1. 

I'm taking my redwork embroidery along to Phoenix, I'll show you March 8 what I accomplished during my visit. I will have plenty of time for embroidery while I'm there.

Linking to Slow Stitching Sunday,  Oh Scrap, Bambi's Show & Tell MondayMonday MakingDesign Wall MondayBOM's Away


Sarah said...

Quilting really does bring the blocks alive! I hope you have a lovely time with your daughter and get plenty of stitching time too!

Carla A Few Of My Favorite Things said...

I too have blocks that are not my favorite sometimes but when we step back they always seem to work. It's always nice to see that final border as we stitch knowing that the end is nearing.

Vicki said...

You're hand quilting is amazing! Spectacular quilt!!

Created by Kathi said...

How exciting and beautiful too <3
I love your quilting photos in progress... but I am amazed you are seeing the top already... Enjoy your time in Arizona... the warmth must be heavenly when snow is all we have seen this past week! lol Kathi

Gretchen Weaver said...

I had a wonderful time! The Phoenix weather was wonderful and I wore capris, sandals and short sleeved shirts.
I'm home again, back to snow, ice, cold weather and long underwear and wool socks, but it's March 1 today, the tail end of winter, I hope!

Karen - Quilts...etc. said...

it looks wonderful I bet you had fun visiting your daughter in the warm sun

Sylvia@Treadlestitches said...

Isn't it amazing how quilting transforms a surface? I just want to run my hands across your lovely quilt. You're in the home stretch now--good luck! said...

This is such a gorgeous quilt! I love seeing your progress and am always amazed at your perfect stitches.

Karrin Hurd said...

Great progress, and beautiful quilting on this gorgeous quilt. I am envious of your beautiful stitching!

Quilter Kathy said...

Have a great trip!
Every roll of the frame is exciting, but when you see the end in sight, that is extra special!

Birthe Marie said...

This is amazing! Beautiful quilt an your hand quilting is gorgeous! :-)

CathieJ said...

Your quilting is gorgeous. I hope you are thoroughly enjoying your visit with your daughter.

Kim said...

Everything about your quilt is spectacular; the pattern, the amazing applique and the fabulous quilting which adds even more gorgeousness! I am so excited for you that the end of the quilting is nigh. I simply cannot wait to see your quilt in all it's finished beauty. I believe this is one of the loveliest quilts I have seen!

Cynthia Brunz Designs said...

I don't know that I want this quilt to end. It is so beautiful. Thanks for linking up your progress with Oh Scrap!

Jenny said...

I enjoy watching the progress on your beautiful quilt!

Gretchen Weaver said...

Thank you! I wasn't so excited about this quilt before I started the quilting, it's the quilting that's bringing it to life.

Gretchen Weaver said...

I had a lovely visit. If a child is going to move 1000 miles away from home, it's nice they move to a warm climate to visit during winter. We had some fun activities together but I still had plenty of time for redwork embroidery.

Gretchen Weaver said...

My stitches aren't perfect but I am pleased with the way she's looking.

Gretchen Weaver said...

I always enjoy lightly running my hand over the quilting before I roll.

Gretchen Weaver said...

I've had this quilt in the frame since last August. I didn't have that much time to really start working on the quilting until October.. I am hoping to finish it this month. We'll see if that happens.

Jennie in GA said...


Jayne Honnold said...

I have so enjoyed watching you progress through this quilting process! What a great feeling to see the top of the quilt roll off that bar! I am in awe of its beauty!

Lynette said...

This is so very pretty! And you're close to the end! :) It's very nice to watch you working on this one.

Cindy Quilts said...

I have visited your blog often and have been enjoying the progress on this quilt. I can't wait to see the finished quilt.

Hill Top Post said...

What a beautiful quilt! I can't stop looking at it!

QuiltGranma said...

LOVE your quilt and the quilting you are putting in it! Absolutely LOVE! Hope you had a save and enjoyable trip with no mishaps and get home safe.

Judy Hansen said...

Hi Gretchen, You are making great progress on this quilt. Every week, I admire your stitches. Judy

digitize embroidery service said...

such a amazing stitches.