Sunday, November 18, 2018

Wilfred & Cloves Completely Finished!

One of the many unfinished quilts I worked on this year was Wilfred & Cloves. (The pattern is found in Creating Heirlooms One Stitch at a Time by Carolyn Konig.) I progressed this UFQ into the flimsy stage in September.

I have so many quilt flimsys  waiting to be hand quilted, I knew it would be several years until it would be Wilfred & Cloves turn in the quilting frame. I decided to have this quilt long arm quilted so off to Lori Null's she went. 

My instructions for the quilting were to use a Baptist Fan pattern but have the lines of the fan be 3/4" apart and not to quilt the center applique. I think Lori thought I was crazy but she did what I asked.

This is a picture of the back of the quilt. I like it when the Baptist Fan design is done this way.

I picked up the quilt about 10 days ago and put it in my hooped quilting stand frame, then started hand quilting the center. 

The center is now finished which means the quilt is completely finished!! He measures 93" x 102".

I stitched around all of the applique including the individual flower petals.

The background design is a hanging diamond design. The lines are 3/4" apart.

The binding is a flange binding, all in one piece.  Sometime this winter I will give a tutorial on making and applying flange binding. 

Wilfred & Cloves was started four years ago and you can read about it here.

My Wilfred & Cloves quilt is going to join the other quilts I've made to be gifted to one of the grandchildren some day. It is  also going to be renamed but I don't know what yet. How does Brown Medallion sound?

Linking to Kathy's Slow Sunday Stitching, HQAL, Oh Scrap, Show & Tell Monday With Bambi, Design Wall MondayBOM's AwayMoving It Forward, Monday MakingEsther's Wednesday WOW!


  1. How exciting to have a finished quilt! That's one less in your unfinished pile!

  2. HOw wonderful! It's a great idea to hand quilt the lovely centre and get the rest of the quilt commercially quilted.

  3. I love your decision to have the baptist fans done to all but the center and to finish the center yourself... soooo looking forward to your tutorial on flange binding and how YOU do it. I want to do this on the quilt I am working on now in my frame because it would be a good place to use that style binding to learn how to do it :) Have a blessed week Gretchen! Kathi

    1. I won't have time to write up the tutorial for the flange binding until sometime in December. Your quilt in the frame is coming along so nicely. You do a wonderful job. Happy stitching!

  4. You made a wise decision! I had a friend who had an appliqued quilt longarmed and she didn't give instruction to not quilt thru the applique. She was so disappointed and picked out every stitch. She learned a hard lesson that it's important to communicate. Love how your quilt turned out and the babtist fans look wonderful and perfect for this quilt! The hand quilting on the center applique block really does it justice and elevates the whole quilt.

  5. Wonderful finish. Great idea to have both hand and machine quilting on the same quilt. Thanks for sharing with Oh Scrap!

  6. What a beautiful finish, and so appropriate for the applique block to be hand quilted. It will be a wonderful heirloom for one of your grandchildren.

  7. That is SO beautiful! I love that you hand quilted the center.

  8. Beautiful quilt and beautiful quilting,

  9. The hand quilting in the centre block looks wonderful and really complements the block. Great way to move this quilt past the finish line quickly!

  10. Your quilt is simply gorgeous! I love the fan design too. Perfect choice hand quilting your middle block ~ beautiful work! ~ Sharon

  11. This is gorgeous!! Congratulations on such a wonderful finish :)

  12. Beautiful and well done. So happy for you.

  13. It's gorgeous, Gretchen! What a nice UFO finish. I really love the baptist fan all around, but hand quilted in the center.

  14. Your Brown Medallion quilt is beautiful. Oh my such a lot of work and love has gone into this beauty. I love that there is both hand and machine quilting on this quilt. A most amazing finish!

  15. Gorgeous finish. Denise @fortheloveofgeese

  16. Thank you for your inspiration you give us on Show and Tell Monday !! Bambi

  17. Congratulations on a beautiful finish!

  18. Beautiful finish! Love the quilting on it also.

  19. A little late, but so beautiful Gretchen! You have accomplished so much this year!!!!!
