Wednesday, November 21, 2018

UFQ's Completed!

Last spring I wrote a post titled My List of Current UFQ's

I am very, very thrilled and pleased to say I've completed all 13 (the original list of ten and then the three I added) quilts that were listed on the spring post!! Whoo!! Happy Dance!! The idea was to progress them into the flimsy stage but several of them have been quilted and are completely finished. Here is an update on each of the 13 projects.

1. Nearly Insane - Completely Finished! I hand quilted this quilt. Here is a link to the Nearly Insane pattern if you are interested.

2. Pastor's Attic Quilt - The applique borders have been completed and the flimsy is finished! This quilt is in the hand quilting frame now and will be completed sometime in 2019.

3. Bricks & Stepping Stones - comforter top for the school auction my Pennsylvania grandchildren attend. Finished! - a Bonnie Hunter pattern

The children at school will knot this comforter.

This was a quick and simple pattern. I have plenty of rectangles left. I see more Bricks & Stepping Stones in my future. 

4. King sized Boston Commons quilt for the school auction the Pennsylvania grandchildren attend. Finished! Someone in Pennsylvania will hand quilt this quilt.

I really like how this turned out but now I want to make one for me but in blues and yellows, maybe in 2019? 

5. Sweet Surrender - is a flimsy. Now waiting it's turn to be hand quilted.

6. Star Dance - Top is finished and also waiting to be hand quilted someday.

7. Baskets & 9-Patches - Completely Finished! Long arm quilted by Three Sisters Fabric, New Paris, Indiana.

A close up photo. I didn't use the original basket pattern that was used in the pattern.

8. Fat Quarter Challenge - Completely Finished! This was a
challenge with the Maple Leaf Quilt guild. Long arm quilted by Lori Null.

9. Wilfred & Cloves - Completely Finished!!

Long arm quilted by Lori Null, medallion was hand quilted by me. Completely finished! 
10. Scrappy 9 Patch, formerly known as No Name 4-1/2" 
finished 9 patch blocks -  The 9 patches are pieced. 

This is a project I started on my own without a pattern. I think she turned out very nice. The flimsy was gifted to a friend who'll add border fabric of her choice and then quilt it for one of her children.

11. Sisters Choice - Finished! This is a 
Bonnie Hunter
pattern. I pieced the 9-patches years ago  and then started the actual blocks back in 2016. 

12. Re-purposed 4 Patches - formerly known as Kitty Corner - I changed my mind and decided not to make  the Kitty Korner pattern. 

I used the 4 patches I had pieced for Kitty Korner and just made my own design.

13. Bonnie Hunter's Scrappy Trips pattern or maybe her Bargello pattern. As You can see, I decided to go with the Bargello pattern.

I really like how this quilt turned out and will be making more charity quilts with this pattern.

Don't worry about me, just because I finished all these projects I'm not going to just sit around and do nothing, I've already started another quilt because that's what quilters do. We enjoy the finish for the day and then onto the next one.

Linking to Let's Bee Social,  Needle & Thread Thursday, Confessions of a Fabric Addict, TGIFF!, Show Off Saturday


  1. you have gotten a lot done over the year - I love many of these

  2. What a lovely parade of quilts!! I can't even pick out a favorite. I like your acronym, UFQ, I am going to use that to distinguish my knitting from my quilting!

  3. YEA for meeting your ambitious goal. What a great variety of quilts you've worked on this year. Several of the designs really speak to me -- uh oh -- I may have a new quilt trying to come into my life. I should finish a few of my UFOs. I have too many tops stored without quilting - mainly because they take up way less room as tops than quilts. Sigh.

  4. So many fabulous quilts. I'm in awe of your UFO finishes.

  5. Amazing, Mom! They al look so great and I know how much time and energy went into completing them!

  6. You have really been dedicated to finishing your UFO’s. Great job and some beautiful quilts and flimsy’s. Difficult to chose one’s favorite. They are all so pretty!

  7. Congratulations on your finishes! They are absolutely gorgeous!

  8. There is a blue and white quilt show of some kind forming. Your "Nearly Insane" quilt would be a good entry. I saw the info on Humble Quilts blog.

  9. These are all wonderful, but Star Dance and Pastor's Attic really captured my attention! Congratulations on moving so many beautiful projects to the finish line!
