Sunday, November 25, 2018

Still Quilting

It's time for an update on how the hand quilting is going on the Pastor's Attic quilt. Another row has been finished! Here is a view of the whole row before I rolled.

Pictures of the different applique blocks.

And a view of the left side border quilting. The right side looks just like this so I didn't show both sides.

For those who aren't familiar with this pattern, this is The Pastor's Attic Quilt by Marsha D. Radtke, an Baltimore Album Quilt.

Linking to Kathy's Slow Sunday Stitching, Show & Tell Monday With BambiMonday MakingDesign Wall MondayMoving It Forward, Esther's Wednesday WOW!


  1. This is an incredibly beautiful quilt! Your stitching is gorgeous!

  2. YOur quilting is just amazing... I love the quilt you made and how you decided to quilt it... I have just stared at your photos for a while now! Truly lovely <3

  3. This quilt is just lovely...the hand appliqué and the hand quilting!

  4. The process is slow but so worth it in the end! Gorgeous blocks that will make a gorgeous quilt!

  5. your quilting is beautiful - such tiny stitches! well worth the work

  6. It's alway such eye-candy when someone shows their handquilting! Beautiful work!

  7. Congratulations on finishing another row of quilting! The texture is fabulous!

  8. All I can say is that you quilt very quickly. This is just gorgeous.

  9. Gosh Gretchen!! This is absolutely gorgeous! I am sure you are very eager to finish! It's going to be an absolute heirloom!

    1. I'm not eager yet because I know I have months of quilting ahead of me. I'm just trying to get across the row in a week's time! I rolled the frame and I am eager to quilt this week's row, finally the small designs are going to be shown in their entirety!

  10. This is such a beautiful quilt your stitching is beautiful

  11. Gorgeous appliqué and quilting! Great work!

  12. As always Gretchen, such beautiful stitching and thank you for showing where you have laid down the lines. Masterful!

  13. It's coming along nicely. I dont know if I asked before, did you hand applique or use fusible webbing? Denise #fortheloveofgeese

  14. Looking SO good! Thanks for the peek at the pattern. What a beautiful quilt and ambitious project!

  15. I love the diamond shaped quilting. Hand quilting is a beautiful art.

  16. Sooooo lovely! You inspire me every visit, thank you!
