Thursday, December 22, 2016

Solstice Challenge

Yesterday I received an e-mail from Pat Sloan about her One Hundred Eighty-Two Day Solstice Challenge. We make 1 block a week for 25 weeks. In twenty-five weeks will be the next solstice; summer, warm temps, green grass, no snow, no ice, fresh tomatoes!! I can see myself sewing along.

She released the first block pattern, a simple churn-dash. I can make churn-dash blocks easily, I did make 65 of them in November after all.

What fabrics would I use if I decide to participate? Well, my eye fell on this fabric. I won a $25 certificate from the Fat Quarter Shop for commenting on another blog in November but, of course, I don't remember which blog. I chose these fabrics, but the label is no longer attached. The white fabric selvage does read Paperie, designed by Amy Sinibaldi for AGF. 

I don't know how many blocks I'll get out of these 12 fat quarters but I'll use them until they are gone. I'll worry about what other fabric to use then. 

Here is the first block, a churn-dash. Doesn't this fabric just scream summer? The white was also from the bundle. Can you see the faint gray triangles? The blocks are going to be 12" finished blocks. I haven't pieced big blocks in along time, this was fun!

Link up to Fiber Tuesday, Let's Bee Social, My Quilt Infatuation, Crazy Mom Quilts, Finished Or Not Friday, Confessions of a Fabric Addict, Show Off Saturday.


Jo said...

Thanks. I might join in on this one too. I still have to catch up on the SS but with these being 12" it will be a bit easier...

Jamie @ Sew Brainy said...

Cute! I think I'm going to join too! I'll be busy this spring, but I think I can churn out a couple blocks here and there. Plus it will be nice to have a bunch done at the end to put together!

Chris said...

It's fun to impulsively jump into a challenge and easy to forget all the other projects we have on the go. I am joining the 150 Canadian Women QAL that started a few weeks ago, but will begin in January. Its only 3 six inch blocks a week for 50 weeks. Yours seems easy in comparison. Assuming that all your blocks will be simple ones.

Gretchen Weaver said...

I wouldn't have jumped in if the blocks weren't easy. Sometimes a person needs easy, at least I do. Good luck with the Canadian Women blocks. I'm already doing 6" blocks with Nearly Insane. A year ago I thought I'd have all the blocks pieced by now.

Myra @ Busy Hands Quilts said...

Your block is a great look at summer. I was almost tempted to join, too, but resisted. Too many other UFOs and projects to make.