Sunday, May 12, 2024

Sauder Quilt Show, the Rest of the Pictures

My Pastor's Attic quilt was awarded first place in the applique/handquilted class at the Sauder Quilt Show. I knew the sweepstakes winners were presented with a 'plate' but I didn't realize the blue ribbon quilts were also! I was very surprised when Lynn and I picked up our quilts and we each received a plate.

The plates were made by the village potter. It's definitely on display in my home!

The first group of Sauder quilt show pictures were published last Sunday. Here are the rest of pictures. These quilts weren't necessarily prize winning quilts, they are the quilts that caught my eye.

We can ALL relate to this quilt and we ALL have the pieces to make a quilt like this!

There were many more lovely quilts at the show that I didn't photograph. I couldn't take pictures of them all, besides, my phone died.

The 2025 Sauder show will be held Wednesday April 30 - Saturday May 3.

Linking to Kathys Slow Stitching Sunday, Stitching Stuff, Oh Scrap, Sew & TellDesign Wall Monday, Monday MusingsTo Do Tuesday


  1. What a lovely plate! I can see why you would want to display it proudly in your home. Gorgeous quilts…the appliqué, intricate piecing and hand quilting….wow! Thanks for sharing your favourites from the show.

  2. That plate is gorgeous! What a treasure, and a great reminder of your rewarded hard work. :)

  3. Congratulations on the award! So exciting!

  4. I love that plate - it is so nice and yes keep it out - congratulations

  5. Congrats on the ribbon and the plate! How delightful for you to be surprised with both!

  6. Congratulations on your quilt ... and that plate is wonderful! I really enjoyed seeing the pictures of the quilts... need to see if I can go to that show next year.

  7. Congratulations on your quilt show win! That plate is gorgeous. I love pottery like that. All of these quilts are so very pretty. I loved Sorrowful Mysteries, but I was disappointed with the name as the quilt is so vibrant and full of energy. Obviously only my opinion. I may try to visit that quilt show next year.

  8. Congratulations! The plate is well-deserved and beautiful - a wonderful addition to your home. I enjoy seeing all of the quilts. Thanks for sharing. ~Jeanne

  9. Congratulations, and I love that plate! Thanks for the quilt show pictures, the quilts are gorgeous!

  10. Congratulations on winning the ribbon and the plate. It is well deserved. So many beautiful quilts were on display; thank you for sharing them with us. Happy Mother's Day.

  11. Many, many congratulations on your win, and receiving that wonderful plate. I'm sure you will be displaying it with pride.

  12. Congratulations! And the show looks like it had lots of fabulous quilts!

  13. Wow! I love that plate. Congratulations! You picked out some beautiful quilts there too, thanks for sharing. xx

  14. Congratulations! That's fantastic! Thanks for posting all the photos of the show. I missed the first bunch of photos and had to go back and see them. I've never been to the Sauder show. Now I can't wait to go!

  15. Congrats on the ribbon and getting a plate, I had never heard of shows doing that-very cool. Thanks for sharing some of the quilts at the show, amazing work!

  16. Oh my! Those are some stunning quilts! And that plate is really a fabulous award.

  17. Congrats on your win! The plate is really nice. Beautiful quilts, thanks for sharing.

  18. So cool--Prize Winning Quilt plate!!! Beautiful and fun!!! And the quilting on each of the quilts you photographed is amazing!!!

  19. Wonderful mini quilt show! So inspiring ! Love your prize plate: what a deserved honor! Thanks for your post!

  20. Congratulations! And what a wonderful prize plate too - definitely something to treasure. The quilts you've shared are all amazing. Such talented patchwork quilters, it must have been so inspiring walking around and seeing their work on display.

  21. Congratulations! It's always fun to come home with more than you expected. Such gorgeous quilts! You have some very talented quilters in your area.

  22. Congratulations Gretchen. I love the pottery plate - what a lovely recognition of your talent. Thank you for showing some of the quits - they are all gorgeous.

  23. Congratulations on the win! That beautiful pottery plate is a great way to recognize your achievement. Thank you for sharing so many quilts that caught your eye. Each one was beautiful!

  24. Those are some gorgeous quilts! Congratulations on the win and the plate. That is such a unique idea!! Thanks for sharing with us at Monday Musings!

  25. Gretchen, I am so glad you entered this quilt in the show! WHAT A GREAT PLATE and Congratulations. You are such a talented and gifted Quilter. Proud to know you! I remember this quilt when you made it! Hugs
