Wednesday, May 8, 2024

Two More Feathered Stars & a Design Change

Two more feathered stars are finished for the Radiant Blues wall quilt.

I've made a slight change to the next block. Do you see the difference in piecing between the first block and the second one?

I've modified the pattern. Instead of a square at the point of the edge feathers, there is a triangle. The next two stars will also made with this modification. 

The pattern for Radiant Blues is found in the January/February 2007 issue of Fons & Porter's Love of Quilting magazine and was designed by Marsha McCloskey. I'm foundation paper piecing my feathered stars using the 16" pattern from Threaded Quilting Studio.


  1. Yes, I spotted it! And the lovely circle effect it creates. xx

  2. Oh my - those are so pretty! This pattern has been on my "Someday" list.

  3. A subtle change that gives it a different look! Thanks for linking up with TGIFF.

  4. Pretty modification, the corner looks lighter and the star seems more feathered. What's more, the new corner subtly adds a circle in the center. You have found a wonderful alternative to the original block!
    Thank you for sharing these beautiful stars!

  5. That cool to see such a slight difference make such a big impact - and of course the color changes - both blocks so very pretty!

  6. So pretty! You really did choose the best fabrics for this. Love it. Thanks for sharing on my weekly show and tell, Wednesday Wait Loss.

  7. Good job, I love it. Thank you for linking up to Put your foot down.
