Thursday, March 28, 2024

Planning Party, Spring Progress

It's March so it's time to see the progress I've made with the list I published in January

Tula Hexies is a flimsy, I'm planning to quilt her sometime this summer with my sewing machine. She measures 51" by 80" at this time which is as big as I can handle with my machine. I'm sure she'll shrink after she's quilted.

Dresden Stars is also a flimsy and measures 94" by 105". This quilt will be long arm quilted sometime but I'm not sure when. I'm also not sure who or where it will be gifted.

The anniversary quilt is pieced. I'll get it quilted sometime this year and it will be ready to gift in 2025.

Are you making progress with your 2024 quilting plans?


  1. The hexies are so happy, they are practically jumping with joy :-) The Dresdens are a darling. Just when I was thinking - does Gretchen not make anything simple, I saw the simple (by comparison) but still beautiful Blue and Purple Anniversary Quilt. So you do it all!

  2. Nice hexies! Your quilts are beautiful, looks like your plans are well on track. Mine? Not so much - lol!

  3. Oh, my! Do I ever love your Tula quilt, Gretchen!!! You hand pieced it together in flowerettes? I'll be interested to see it all quilted up!

  4. I love all three. Quilting plans, what's that? Aside from the IBA challenges I just make it up as I go. However, last year I kept telling myself that once my sewing room was done I would get back to designing more original quilts. In my mind I am also working on plans for a sew along. Your quilts are lovely, thank you for linking up to Put your foot down.

  5. You have made fantastic progress and the Tula Hexies flimsy glows. I hope you have fun finishing these quilts up, whether you quilt them yourself or send them off. Thanks for linking up your progress!

  6. Beautiful work on your quilts, love the purple quilt. It is striking!

  7. Beautiful quilts! Can't wait to see them quilted. ~Jeanne

  8. Lovely quilts, bravo! I love how different they are, but always in your style. I love them all ;)
    Thank you for sharing these pretty flimsies!

  9. Wowee! Three lovely quilt tops. Each is so pretty. Can't wait to see how you quilt these. Congratulations! Thanks for sharing on my weekly show and tell, Wednesday Wait Loss.

  10. Gretchen, you are such a temptress with gorgeous quilt after gorgeous quilt to share! Very dangerous to my (weak) resolve to finish things I've started (or bought fabric for and not started yet) before starting new things. Now I want to make a big hexie quilt and a fancy Dresden plate quilt like yours... Exquisite work from you as usual.

  11. It feels so good to have finished tops ready for quilting. They are all lovely!

  12. You have so many beautiful project going Gretchen!
    I am planning to work on my hexies while the Shipshewana retreat is going on, to feel connected with you all :-) I do work on it every morning, taking my daily morning thread(s)

  13. You have been a busy bee Gretchen. Beautiful finishes! I like the Anniversary Quilt. I am hoping to get with the program now that my thumb prison is over with! Never want to do that again! Hugs
