Sunday, March 3, 2024

Hearts & Wreaths

Last week I had finished the first row of the center. This week I'm going to show you what I've accomplished on the next row.

First I quilted the side border on each side along the next block. It's easier to quilt down toward me than straight across. This is the left side border.

This is the right side border.

If I could figure it out, I would have the written information with the borders on the sides of my writing. However, I don't know how to do that so the pictures are kind of spread out in this post.

The bottoms of the blocks are completed. After I roll, I'll be quilting the larger hearts in the center.

There are two alternating designs in the corners of applique blocks. This design is called Heart Block.

The second design is called Feather Design.

The next two picture are the same designs along the edge of the border. First picture is the right side border.

This picture is the left side border.

Of course I have to have all the link! Here is the link to my first post about Hearts & Wreaths way back in August 2021.

This is the link to the pattern in Quiltmania magazine.

Here is the link to when I started the quilting. This post includes information about where the stencils can be purchased.

I include all these links because I like it when bloggers give detailed information.


  1. All the quilting looks great. Hand quilting is slow going, but you seem to be making good progress each week.

  2. I appreciate the detailed information you always give us, Gretchen. I love too, all the photos you have shown us today of the different quilting patterns you are stitching. The Heart Block and Feather Design are both lovely patterns. It's a pleasure to see your quilting progress of Hearts and Wreaths each time. Your hand quilting is stunning!

  3. Dear Gretchen,

    The quilting makes all the leaves pop and the quilt come alive. Love the look hand quilting adds to each element of the quilt. The colours are just gorgeous and makes me smile, cannot wait to see the quilt finished! Have a wonderful day.

  4. Gretchen... I love love love how you are quilting hearts and wreaths quilt... it will be amazing to enjoy once off the frame too... I am sure these alternating blocks are amazing to quilt and enjoy soon!
    Thanks for sharing these wonderful pics too!

  5. I didn't realize that pattern was in QuiltMania I don't get it every year. Every now and then I treat myself to a years subscription

  6. Gretchen, you've made tons of beautiful progress in the last week! Your stitches are so even and the designs you have chosen look like they were made for the space! As for getting the type to flow around or next to your photos, you might need to write more. I haven't figured out how to make the text line up well either. The finished post always looks a little different from the preview! I don't mind how you layout your post. I enjoy reading it every week!

  7. Such beautiful stitching, Gretchen! I like how the feather design creates hearts, too. Looks like you're making great progress on this quilt!

  8. I like that you are using two different quilting designs where the block corners meet. I have to keep that idea in mind for the future. I probably would not have thought to do that. I love seeing your progress on this pretty quilt.

  9. I always enjoy seeing your gorgeous quilting Gretchen! Great work!

  10. Your quilting is exquisite! I love what you are doing and the gorgeous effect on your quilt. ~Jeanne

  11. It's always so nice to see your progress, and as always, your hand quilting is exquisite.

  12. It is all looking so beautiful! xx

  13. Your quilting is beautiful. It's kind of you to share all the information about your quilt.

  14. Impressive quilting designs!!!! I really love how the corners come together making 2 wonderful patterns. I also love how they compliment the straight line quilting around your applique adding that additional focus in between the blocks. Yeah for getting through half the quilt!

  15. Beautiful progress on Hearts and Wreaths, Gretchen! Thanks for sharing with Monday Musings!

  16. I love the Heart Block design, it's sooo pretty! Thanks for joining in on Monday this and That and I hope you had a great week! xx
