Thursday, February 29, 2024


I'm in between projects right now. Dresden Stars is a flimsy, the table runner is finished and delivered so instead of starting a new project, I decided to prep for the April retreat.

I've been prepping fabrics to piece the posey blocks for Bonnie Hunter's Garden Party quilt which is found in her book, Addicted to ScrapsClick here to review the quilts in the book.

I sewed two blocks just to show you what the posey block looks like. Of course I'm making my quilt larger. I want bedquilts to hang down  the sides, not just lay on the top.

I know the blocks need to be trimmed. I'll do that when all the blocks are pieced. Please don't ask me what size the blocks are, check the book for details.

Garden Party is one of the quilts on my 2024 list of quilts.

I mentioned in January that I'm going to be foundation paper piecing a pineapple quilt at retreat but I wanted another project to take along. Working on the same quilt for four and a half days can be done but it gets very boring, trust me, I've done it several times.

I also want to trace off an embroidery project for handwork when I'm tired of sewing. April will be here before we know it!

Linking to Midweek Makers, Wednesday Wait LossNeedle & Thread Thursday, Put Your Foot DownTGIFF!, Whoop Whoop Party, Finished or Not  Friday, Off the Wall Friday, Beauty Pageant, Patchwork & Quilts


  1. Prepping for a retreat sounds like fun!

  2. You have a good start. Will this be a scrappy quilt? Thank you for linking up to Put your foot down.

  3. I loved making my Garden Party, such an addictive pattern. Are you doing red alternate blocks? Mine were orange, but I've seen green, blue, yellow, tan, and they all look beautiful.

  4. How fun to be going on retreat! Love these cute little blocks. Thanks for sharing on my weekly show and tell, Wednesday Wait Loss.

  5. I love your test blocks, and preparing for a retreat sounds like a lot of fun! It looks like four and a half days will not be enough for what you plan to do ;)
    Thank you for sharing, and have fun!

  6. Love your blocks!!!
    and fun - enjoy your retreat!

  7. I agree, Gretchen. I try to take several types of projects to retreat so I can switch off as the mood strikes. I also takes breaks to sit out on the screened porch and read or even nap if the mood strikes.
