Sunday, July 23, 2023

One More Week for Lady Jane!

My goal last week was to stitch across the border of Lady Jane and I did it! You can't see the stitching in the border, it's hard to see the white thread in the floral border.

I did take a close up photo though. I've place a pin at the top of where the quilting stops just as a point of reference. It can be hard to see where I'm stitching at times! I do remove the pin before I stitch the row.

I've rolled and the goal for this week is to finish the quilting. The top edge of the quilt has been unpinned from the header and is pinned through the batting and onto the backing.

I'll stitch in the ditch along the bottom edge of the blue outside border and also baste the top edge of that same border.

A question was asked last week in the comment about how far apart the curves were in the Baptist fan quilting. They're 1" apart and all the curves are supposed to be the same distance. There could be a few wobbles in my quilting so they're not perfectly 1".

Here is a link to the Lady Jane pattern. Nancy has many lovely patterns I'd like to make someday in blues & white: Gathered Together, Winter Thistle and many other designs. So many quilts, not enough time!

Last week I was in Wakarusa to get my haircut so I took pictures of the quilt garden. Those begonias have filled in and the garden is beautiful!

There are several benches around the garden with these big pots of flowers. I always think the benches look inviting but I never take time to enjoy them.

In the background you can see what downtown Wakarusa look like on a Wednesday morning @ 8:30 am.

Here is a link for information about Quilt Gardens Along the Heritage Trail.

Linking to Kathys Slow Stitching Sunday, Stitching Stuff, Oh Scrap, Handmade Monday, Sew & Tell, Design Wall Monday, Craftastic Monday, Monday Musings


  1. The quilt garden in town looks so nice and you are right those benches look very inviting!

  2. I've never heard of a quilt garden before - beautiful!
    ENjoy finishing the quilting on Lady Jane this week!

  3. Your quilt is lovely! That quilt garden is beautiful. We have one like it at our Arboretum here.

  4. those benches would come in so handy if one was wandering in and out of shops and needed to take a little break - the gardens are so pretty

  5. I enjoyed watching that quilt garden mature. It is sure beautiful. Wow! Lady Jane is almost a finish. That must feel wonderful!!!

  6. You are so close to a finish, that has to feel good. Lady Jane is gorgeous. So are those gardens. Happy stitching this week.

  7. Lady Jane is looking amazing, Gretchen. I am quite smitten with the floral border fabric. I was hoping you would post an update on the Flower Quilt Garden. It is fun to see it as the season moves on. Do they plant a fall garden? Have a wonderful day.

  8. What a beautiful garden! I love that floral fabric in Lady Jane! Great work

  9. Thanks for sharing the Quilt Garden! Love that blue floral border on Lady Jane!

  10. How exciting, one more week of quilting to go! The flower quilt gardens are lovely.

  11. It's so exciting to think this quilt will be completed in the next week! It's amazing. The Quilt Garden is beautiful too. Thanks for sharing with us on Monday Musings!

  12. Wow! You have come such a long way with your beautiful hand stitching. I just love the color of blue for this quilt. Hooray for you to get to this stage.

  13. Your quilt and the quilt garden are both coming along nicely! Thank you for sharing with us at Handmade Monday :-)
