Sunday, July 16, 2023

Two More Weeks of Lady Jane

There are probably two more week of quilting for Lady Jane then she'll be ready for binding.

This post is about quilting the checkerboard border. Maybe it's not really a checkerboard but that's what I'm calling it. First I stitched in the ditch on the bottom of the blue bottom sashing. When that was finished, I advanced the rollers. I have no problem quilting close to the roller when it's diagonal stitching but I do when it's horizontal.

Here is a better look at the checkerboard border.

Still not close enough? How is this?

It's hard to see the white thread on the white side of the bottom edge but it's there. Now I need to do the same thing on the top edge.

Now I've rolled and the whole top border shows. After I quilt the top blue sashing of the checkerboard border, I'll advance a little more then quilt probably half of the flowered border.

Here's a better look at that blue to be stitched in the ditch.

Linking to Kathys Slow Stitching Sunday, Stitching Stuff, Oh Scrap, Handmade Monday, Sew & Tell, Design Wall Monday, Craftastic Monday, Monday Musings


  1. I have so enjoyed Lady Jane stitching and was avidly watching to see how your baptist fans ended at the borders where your border stitching took over... now I see it clearly thanks to your AWESOME photo skills! Thanks!

    Beautiful stitches and design... have a wonderful Sunday!


  2. Such tiny stitches! You are so close to having a finish. That has to feel really good.

  3. Your quilting is beautiful! Thank you for showing us how you made the quilting design choices you chose. Your pictures are inspiring!
    We can't wait to see the finished project!

  4. Love this quilt and watching the quilt come together! Beautiful quilting Gretchen! Such a lovely piece!

  5. Your quilting is lovely and so looking forward to seeing this beauty done!

  6. I'm wondering what will be going on your quilt frame next - it looks like we are at the same point on our quilt frames - both of us to the last border.

  7. Beautiful stitches and so exciting to be close to a finish on your quilting. Enjoy your Sunday.

  8. So close to a beautiful finish! I too have thoroughly enjoyed each and every post about Lady Jane!

  9. Beautiful stitching, I have loved seeing this progress! Great work!

  10. I love your fabrics and thank you for the close up shots - I'm drooling! LOL

  11. You are so very close to being finished. This is such a pretty quilt. I like the way you are quilting that border.

  12. It's been such a delight to watch your quilting progress on Lady Jane, you are so close now to the finish line.

  13. The Baptist Fan is perfect.

  14. Always a joy to watch your progress. Such fun for me. How far apart are the lines of stitching on your baptist fans, just curious. Do you usually use the same spacing for them or do you use various widths?

  15. Your quilting is gorgeous, Gretchen. I always get a spark to quilt when I visit and see your fabulous quilts. Have a great week working on Lady Jane.

  16. Your hand quilting is always beautiful. This quilt will be a stunner!

  17. This quilt just makes me happy!

  18. Your quilts ar always beautiful, and so are the quilting! Amazing!

  19. Oh my goodness Gretchen, your hand quilting is just lovely. You must be so thrilled that the end is in sight.
    Hope you've had a lovely week

  20. Your stitches are so. beautiful. Another beauty to add to your collection of Blue Quilts. Hugs

  21. Gretchen you are coming right along! Your stitching is beautiful! Thanks for sharing on Monday Musings!

  22. Beautiful. I am looking forward to seeing it finished, but probably not as much as you. Nice job!

  23. I'll learn how to hand quilt one day...... You inspire me......
