Friday, July 28, 2023

A Comforter for MCC

One of the recipients of quilts during Sarah's Hands2Help 2023 drive this year was MCC. Debbie contacted me when I showed several MCC comforters that I finished binding. She was planning to make a comforter for MCC but wouldn't have it finished before the Hands2Help deadline. I told her MCC needs comforter tops all the time, she could send the top to me and I would see it would be donated to MCC facility in my town.

I received Debbie's comforter top this week in the mail and I want to show it to you. 

Isn't it pretty! This flimsy will be knotted by volunteers then the edge will be turned then finished sometime this coming winter or maybe at the MCC comforter bash! There are so many places in need of comforters, overseas and right here in the US.

Thank you Debbie for your wonderful donation.