Sunday, April 2, 2023

3/4" Grandmother's Flower Garden Hexies

I needed three more flowers for the Grandmother's Flower Garden table runner, they're finished!

This first one uses random blue hexies. Most of the centers of these flowers were stitched years ago. This was one that was recently stitched and I used a blue center. This center hexie was leftover from a previous flower.

This flower has a center pieced years ago. It's the only one with a completely beige center.

And the last hexie flower. For some reason the center looks blue, it's not. It's the same cream fabric I've used in most of the flowers.

I've arranged the flowers on the chest. I'm not certain if this background fabric will be the final fabric or not. I have removed the inner papers on the backside of the flower. 

The next step is to sew these flowers together then I'll need to piece partial flowers to fill in the side spaces.

Once all that has been completed, I'll applique the flowers onto the border fabric. I could cut the fabric and sew it on the sides but to me, that would be more work than the applique. 

I'm leaving the flowers on the chest until I decide this is how I want them placed. You know how it goes, you move one block then you end up moving 4 or 5!

You know the old saying about March, in like a lion, out like a lamb? Not this year, we had hail Friday evening, big hail, the biggest I've ever seen!

It became foggy after the hail finished because the air was warmer than the ground.


  1. I certainly do know how it is deciding on the final layout of flower hexies. They do look fabulous gathered together. Goodness that is a lot of hail. Makes for a pretty photo, though.

  2. I had not heard the lion-lamb saying about March. But I have heard "March showers bring April flowers". Looks like your studio is in full bloom with Grandma's Flowers :-) Oh, I am so aware of the domino effect of moving one block.
    Wishing you a happy spring with no allergies.

  3. I love your flowers and the thought you put into making each one and then arranging them. I couldn't believe the hail you got!!! Wow! Have a great day!

  4. I tend to spend lots of time rearranging blocks on my design wall too. These scrappy hexie flowers look wonderful together. Gail at the Cozy Quilter. We had hail yesterday too. I’m hoping for warmer weather very soon.

  5. The hexie chest cover is really coming along. Trying to finalize a layout always takes me forever, it seems there is always one block that doesn't fit anywhere.

  6. Those hexie flowers look so pretty. We had the threat of hail last night, but thankfully didn't get any. That is a whole lot of hail to cover the ground like that. Wow.

  7. not this year for sure the storms have been horrible. Neat hexies - yes you move two and three and you end up moving them all!!

  8. Dear Gretchen,

    The weather is crazy everywhere. Lots of rain, snow, freezing rain and sunshine. All four seasons in a day. Your hexies looks amazing and the table runner is a perfect size. Have a wonderful weekend.

  9. Nice job on the hexies, I love how they look together. Wow, that's a lot of hail! This has been such a weird spring. Wonder what summer will be like?

  10. I like your layout. We had hail like that yesterday. . .crazy to see such big pieces and watch it bounce off the roof and ground as it fell! It has been a weird year for Spring weather!

  11. Your hexies look great altogether there.

  12. Grandmother's Flower Garden hexies are beautiful - congrats on finishing them. They all look really good together. Wow on the hail - did you have any damage?

  13. That's a lot of hail! Thankfully, you have spring flowers in your GFG. =) Good layout.

  14. Your hexie blocks are great, Gretchen! I don't blame you for leaving them for a while before deciding the final layout. Wow, that is large hail. A few years ago, near here, we had softball size hail. It knocked out a lot of car windows! Thanks for linking up with Monday Musings!

  15. I like your grandmother's hexies. Your variety of arrangements really makes it unique. To me, it looks like a great bed runner or table runner. We got another dousing of snow but it did not stick around for too long; funny how we had similar precipitation and cold. Yeah for being in the north.

  16. Nanette Chopin CookApril 3, 2023 at 5:09 PM


  17. Your hexie quilt is looking great! Strange weather is all around this season!

  18. Wow, that is some serious hail. So in like a Lion, out like a Lion in 2023?
    Your hexie flowers are beautiful. Your skill and color choices make them so beautiful. Hugs, Judy

  19. I think your decision to applique them is a good one. Thanks for joining Sew & Tell. :)
