Friday, March 31, 2023

Orange Sorbet

I'm on a mission to use the orphan blocks in the orphan box. After finishing Orange Sherbet, I pulled the flippy corners and pieced a small quilt with them, Orange Sorbet.

The HST's were already sewn but needed to be sliver trimmed to 2.75". It took me all day to trim all these blocks!

Then I sewed the HST's into broken dishes blocks, at least I think that's what this block is called. If not, I'm sure someone will comment and let me know.

The broken dishes were arranged and sewn into a crib quilt which measures 35". 

The narrow gray border is the same gray fabric used in orange sherbet. I didn't have enough of any one peach colored fabrics for an outside border so I mitered strips and made scrappy outside borders.

Obviously we had snow when I took the above picture. March has been a crazy weather month.

The colors in the bottom picture are more true to color. After looking closely at this photo, I see the bottom right block is turned the wrong direction. I am NOT going to change it!

I used leftover blocks in the backing.

I originally posted about Orange Sorbet here.

Since I wrote all the above, orange sorbet has been quilted. I used the curvy line idea I see in Preeti's blog. I used white Guterman polyester thread for quilt but it doesn't show very well on the fabrics.

While quilting, I noticed there are several blocks turned incorrectly. Oh well.

Blogger decided this picture needed to go next. It looks like the bottom part of the backing is a different color, more brownish. It's not, it's the same fabric as the rest of the backing. On the left edge, there is a strip of a different gray fabric that also looks brownish at the bottom.

This is the first that was supposed to have been the first of this group. 

I had originally planned to donate the little quilt to The Center for their B.A.B.E. program but I sent this quilt and the sunny lanes quilt along with my SIL to be used by cancer patients during their chemo treatments.

Linking to Needle & Thread Thursday, Put Your Foot Down, TGIFF!, Peacock PartyFinished or Not  Friday, Off the Wall Friday, Beauty Pageant, Patchwork & Quilts, Oh Scrap


  1. I love it - what a happy mix of oranges and beautiful cream!! It will definitely bring a smile!!

  2. I really like it too! Makes me think of summer and orange sorbet or dreamsicles and that makes me happy!

  3. Yummy quilt, Gretchen!!! Cutest, cheery colors!

  4. So smart to immediately take the extra HSTs and piece them into a quilt instead of letting them hang out in your scrap bin for a long time. I'm sure it's going to be appreciated and well loved by its recipient.

  5. So pretty, and you will be pleased it is going to be used and loved by a cancer patient undergoing treatment.

  6. What a bright and beautiful quilt.

  7. What a fabulous quilt! I love the color and the one block does make such and interesting design. The back is so much fun, too. Thanks for linking up to TGIFF. Its wonderful to know it will give a cancer patient some comfort.

  8. I love the subtle color change to create a center medallion, and the color range you chose is beautiful! I did not notice the incorrectly turned blocks until you mentioned them. What a great finish, Gretchen.

  9. For such a simple pattern, it turned out really striking. It's wonderful.

  10. Orange sorbet is WONDERFUL! I just love the design and the back. Wonderful job Gretchen!

  11. What a sweet finish! I have some snowball corners to trim and sew together some day. But first finish the top they are from. LOL!

  12. Love the sweet yummy colors of this quilt.

  13. Hi Gretchen, what a gorgeous quilt, and all from the left overs! Congrats.

  14. I love the sorbet colors as well like all the responses above. I too am on a mission to finish either orphan blocks or simply finish up some tops that have been lingering around way toooo long. You are an inspiration to get to the finish line!

  15. I love it too. Orange Sorbet is the perfect name for this sweet quilt. The turned blocks just add personality to the quilt. It's gorgeous. Congrats! ;^)

  16. Mmm, orange sorbet! It's beautiful! And, bonus, it uses orphan blocks and leftover pieces! Even more bonus, it will go to someone who needs it. Great job!

  17. What a lovely quilt! Sweet and soft colors, this is a great use of leftover blocks. I love the name too, and I'm sure it's going to be cherished by someone who needs some comfort. I see pinwheels, but I now that it's not the block you made ;)
    Thank you for sharing and linking up your lovely finish.

  18. Wow! What a wonderful finish. I like the layout and I am impressed you used the leftover flipped corners for the HSTs! Good call on brightening a cancer patient's treatment!

  19. Nanette Chopin CookApril 3, 2023 at 5:07 PM

    Pretty Quilt
