Tuesday, March 28, 2023

Little Lap Quilts

When I was cleaning up the bits and pieces after finishing the SAHRR flimsy, I left out some of the orphan blocks to use for lap quilts.

This first little quilt is 24" square. And yes the top left corner block is set incorrectly. I didn't notice that until after the little top was pieced It didn't bother me enough to change it.

Again it snowed overnight and some blew up onto the porch. I didn't feel like pulling on my boots and tromping in the snow for a snowy background picture. This will have to suffice.

The cherry border fabric was used in the patchwork comforter top and was donated to me to be used for charity quilts. All of it has been used except for some bits and pieces.

The backing fabric was also donated to be used for charity quilts. Either side can be used in this quilt, both are interesting.

Preeti quilts her quilts with a curvy stitch and stitches over the seam lines. I decided to try that for these quilts. I usually straight stitch but unfortunately my straight lines aren't straight! The stitching shows best on the backing fabric.

This next little quilt is 28" square. 

This gray does look darker again the snowy background.

I had the gray border fabric in my stash but the backing fabric is the same fish fabric I used in the top quilt. I also used the curvy line stitching in this quilt. Both quilts were quilted with white Guterman polyester thread and both quilts have scrappy polyester batting. These little quilts are perfect to use small batting scraps.

I had originally planned to donate these little quilts to the nursing home in Wakarusa but my SIL was here on Sunday and I showed her the little quilts I've made. She's a volunteer at Goshen General Hospital in the cancer center. She said they are getting low on quilts for the patients to use during chemo treatments. I would have thought these were too small to use but she said they need all sizes and these would be fine. So I sent them home with her to take to the hospital the next time she's there.

I don't normally make small quilts but it has been fun to make small for a change.

Linking to Monday This N ThatTo Do Tuesday, Midweek Makers, Wednesday Wait LossNeedle & Thread Thursday, Put Your Foot Down, Oh Scrap


  1. They are lovely and will bring some confort and joy to someone in need. So nice of you making them for donation. I like the serpentine quilting. Have a nice week, Gretchen!

  2. I think the quilts are beautiful, and hopefully bring comfort to the cancer patients. Good luck on this week’s list.

  3. I'm glad your sister was able to use the quilts. Sometimes a little quilt over knees or the shoulder is all the patient needs at the time. Chemo is a tricky weird happening! Sometimes the quilt is just an emotional comfort! <3

  4. I'm sure the quilts will be loved no matter where they go! I need to start getting more of the big quilts I have made to family and start to make more smaller quilts.

  5. What pretty little quilts, and yay they will be used as comfort quilts!

  6. When I see these little beauties, it makes me want to make small quilts too. For some reason I am drawn to the longer journey.

  7. It's nice to know that these two pretty quilts will be offered to patients having chemo.

  8. Really pretty little quilts, my fave is the one with the grey border.

  9. These pretty little quilts have such visual appeal, they will bring a lot of comfort to those cancer patients. What a great idea for using up your orphans! Thanks for sharing on my weekly show and tell, Wednesday Wait Loss.

  10. Great little quilts - love the grey one!

  11. Gretchen these little quilts are lovely and sure to be loved by the recipients. Thank you for linking with To Do Tuesday, Have lots of fabric fun this week!

  12. They are just so sweet! They will be loved I am sure! Thanks for joining in with Monday This and That! xx
