Tuesday, April 4, 2023

A Cow Quilt

Years ago I bought the Cow quilt pattern from Counted Quilts which was designed by Lisa Muilenburg. Back then I needed to wait while it traveled through the mail. Nowadays you can buy the pattern via PDF and print it off the same day.

She had to take her turn on the glider. Doesn't it look like she is really sitting there?

Yes, the day I took pictures we had green grass . . . and . . . the sun is shining. That is my shadow on the right side of the quilt.

Of course I wasn't going to make a holstein cow, my quilt is going to be a Guernsey. I searched out the best fabric I could find to simulate the mottled fawn color. My friend Nancy (who used to work at Yoder Department Store) helped me since she grew up on a Guernsey farm and knew what I was looking for.

I got all the fabrics together and cut out the pieces but didn't sew it right away. It became a UFQ (unfinished quilt).

After we moved, I decided this quilt was going to be finished before another year passed. This has been my latest sewing project, another UFQ finished!

The cow has a lot of light fabric but I didn't want a white cow. I reversed some of the fabric colors and this is what I came up with.

There are  3 sizes in the pattern and I made the lap quilt size. She measures 55" wide by 48.5" long.

To organize my pieces, I use trays. These trays are my sewing trays and are never used in the kitchen. There are a lot of pieces in a lot of different sizes. I labeled each group with the appropriate letter of the alphabet and also wrote the size on the slip of paper which was pinned to the group. Very important, mark the pieces! You will be very thankful you did.

I used 3 trays, there were a LOT of pieces. I did have pieces leftover but that was because I changed colors in the body. I'll admit it did get confusing prepping all the pieces.

This quilt is pieced in a row by row fashion.

There are a lot of pieces in each row.

This quilt will get quilted sometime this year but for now, completing the piecing is enough.

All of the diagonal seams were flippy corners. I have a LOT of cut off pieces! I'll take these along to the April retreat and give them to a lady who collects scraps and uses them to make dog beds.

I asked the semi-retired dairy farmer for his critique. After his first quick glance, he said he thought the head looked like a dog. However she (the cow) did have a large muzzle so she would certainly be able to consume large quantities of feed and produce plenty of milk.

He also informed me the cow did not possess the desirable characteristics that our farm has been known for. However her teats are straight and her udder has a strong attachment. 

He's still milking 2 cows once a day.

Linking to Monday This N That, To Do TuesdayMidweek Makers, Wednesday Wait Loss, Put Your Foot Down

On my Sunday post I showed you pictures of the hail that blasted us on March 31. Linda asked if we had any damage. We didn't personally, our vehicles are parked in the garage and it's too early to plant field crops so it came at a good time. I'm sure there are plenty of people who had damage to their vehicles if they were parked outside, that hail was big!


  1. Your cow quilt is so cute, Gretchen. I am sure a child will look at her with different eyes than Mr. Farmer.

  2. Fun cow. Wow, getting advice from a professional farmer! Did he have any advice before you made the quilt?

  3. What a fun project. You found the perfect fabric for a Guernsey. She looks very contented which, according to TV commercials, seems to help produce good milk.

  4. Whatever your semi-retired dairy farmer thinks, I'm sure you love that cow!

  5. I'm glad you didn't have any damage! Oh my gosh that cow is so, so cute! LOL on the farmer's critique. :D I need to find someone to give my scraps to - I cut pieces off some flying geese yesterday and very briefly considered trying to make HSTs out of them, but they were too small for me to be patient enough for it.

  6. This is adorable! Love the farmer's assessment. Made me smile. The changes you made definitely make it look more like a Guernsey for sure. Thanks for sharing on my weekly show and tell, Wednesday Wait Loss.

  7. What a great finished quilt top, Gretchen!!! Looks complicated, yet straightforward. LOL on the dairy farmers critique!!! He would know!

  8. I love the Cow quilt! So cute! I miss your email notifications, but try to remember to check in on your progress often! Hugs

  9. Hahaha - I love the critique by your Mr Farmer. So funny. I think the cow is perfect.

  10. Love your Guernesy Gretchen. I’m glad you didn’t have any damage. Thank you for linking with To Do Tuesday. Hope this week was filled with fun and lots of fabric fondling.
