Sunday, February 12, 2023

Quilting Lady Jane

The first row of the churn dash blocks with the plain alternate block have been quilted.

Here is the whole row.

When I take a picture of the whole row, the colors are true. But when I take an individual picture, the blocks have a yellowish tinge! The next time I'll turn off the overhead lights and see if that makes a difference.

This gray block is the first gray block on the bottom of the row. Can you see the quilting texture?

I'm stitching in the ditch for the churn dash blocks. This block is the first bottom churn dash block in the top photo.


  1. The texture your quilting gives to Lady Jane is beautiful. What a treat it would be to see her up close and personal and touch all that lovely texture.

  2. The quilting looks great. It's slow going, but you are moving along.

  3. Beautiful quilting, Gretchen. The plain block now is rich of texture, so beautiful!!

  4. W@W!!! I love how lady Jane is being quilted Gretchen!!! You are doing a fantabulous job on the quilting!
    Makes my fingers itchy to have a quilt back in my frame!!!

  5. What a great start! Your quilting is lovely and really adds to the overall design. ~Jeanne

  6. I like the quilt pattern you are using in the plain blocks. You've gotten a lot quilted in a short time.

  7. Looking lovely! Such beautiful quilting and fabrics! I have the same problems with taking pictures indoors. Hard to get the colours right.

  8. I always find it hard to get the true colors of fabric (and yarn) it all depends so much on the lighting. The quilt is looking great

  9. Capturing true colours indoors is a challenge I find. Meanwhile, gorgeous hand stitching and yes, I can see the texture. This will be another beauty, Gretchen.

  10. You are making great progress on Lady Jane! Congrats! Hugs

  11. The start of another lovely hand quilting project on the go.

  12. I look forward to seeing your progress with this project. Thanks so much for sharing!

  13. Lady Jayne is so pretty. I love the clear blues. Hand quilting is definitely a labour of love.

  14. Lady Jane is looking great, and I like your quilting choices. I also like the additions to Wintersweet.

  15. Beautiful as always! When I need inspiration, I always come here!

  16. Blue and white is just the BEST combo! You quilt is beautiful. I have a blue and white quilt in the hands of a quilter right now. Can't wait to get it back.

  17. This will such a beautiful finish!!! Love the blues.

  18. Your quilting is beautiful and I certainly admire you hand quilting this beauty!!
