Tuesday, February 14, 2023

Garden of Quilts, Thanksgiving Point

Last September I flew to Salt Lake City to visit my friend Deanna. I made sure my visit coincided with the 2022 Garden of Quilts at Thanksgiving Point in Lehi, Utah. If you click the link, it will take you to information about the 2023 quilt show. I couldn't find information from the 2022 show.

There were over 600 quilts on display at the show, most of them outside on clothes lines. It was beautiful to see all these quilts with the sky as a backdrop.

The day Deanna and I visited, we arrived just before the show opened and we viewed every single quilt in the show, all 600 of them! That was a lot of walking!

Of course there were a variety of vendors and it was fun to see all the goodies they had to offer. But I was very aware of limited space in my suitcase and didn't buy much but I did purchase a few treasures that caught my eye.

The Quilted Hugs book by Jill Finley of Jillily Studio caught my eye.

The Painted Daisies quilt in the book is especially attractive. They did have fabric kits for the quilt but I decided the book was enough.

Another favorite from the book was Toy Parade, such a cute crib quilt. There are so many cute quilts in this book.

Remember a few weeks ago I said I was prepping another Christmas quilt? The name of the pattern is Sweet Kisses designed by Gigi of Gigi's Thimble which was also purchased at the quilt show.

There are a lot of pieces in this project, I won't be sewing this one up in a week. Gigi also blogs, here is a link! 

I guess this post was just a long way to show you the newest project in progress. Sweet Kisses, isn't that a wonderful name to announce on Valentine's day?

Linking to To Do TuesdayMidweek Makers, Wednesday Wait Loss, Needle & Thread Thursday, Put Your Foot Down


  1. Sounds like 600 quilts would be a lot to view in a day ! I’m sure you and Deanna had lots to talk about after this event. I love the book you picked up and how versatile the patterns seem PLUS a spiral binding!
    I can’t wait to see the fabric colors you chose and how you will lay out the various colors in your creation!
    Happy stitching! Kathi

  2. I bet that was fun wandering the streets looking at quilts. I did that once years ago with a friend in St. Charles Missouri - they had quilts hanging off building, over fences it was wonderful to see and spent hours looking.

  3. I bet that was pretty inspirational--600 quilts! So you are doing Sweet Kisses in Christmas fabrics? Fun! One of the many things that I enjoy about quilting is working with holiday fabrics whenever we want! If I'm not ready for Christmas to be over, I can just sew up a Christmas quilt!

  4. OWO 600 quilts displayed outdoors, looks so nice.
    Looking forward to seeing your Christmas Sweet Kisses.
    Happy Valentine's Day!

  5. Oh Lovely. I remember going to the big international show in the UK before I immigrated. Always a huge day, very tiring but very inspirational. You bought a lovely book.

  6. It's always such fun to visit a quilt show, and that looks a wonderful book you purchased.

  7. It does sound as if the parade of quilts would have been spectacular and a lovely memory. How fun that you managed to get a couple of treasures from your trip. sweet Kisses will be a fun project and lovely in Christmas Fabrics. Have fun this week getting some projects moved along on your list. Thank you for linking with To Do Tuesday.

  8. Sounds like such a fun show. Love your new project. So sweet. Thanks for sharing on Wednesday Wait Loss.

  9. What a fun Christmas quilt! And thanks for the links to the other baby quilts. I don't know why I am particularly drawn to baby quilts lately? I have no one to give one to. Maybe just add to my donation pile. They are smaller and I am definitely liking smaller less bulky quilts to deal with.
