Friday, November 18, 2022

Indian Hatchet

Indian Hatchet is another quilt sent to Lori for quilting. I pieced these blocks on and off for several years and she's finally totally finished!

Indian Hatchet has been quilted with an all over stacked snails design which is perfect for this very scrappy quilt. The quilting doesn't show on the top of the quilt.

After washing she measures 64" by 79" and has become the couch quilt.

And the back side of the couch.

For the binding, I used a variety of fabrics.

The backing fabric is several large pieces of yardage leftover from other projects. I thought a scrappy backing was appropriate for this quilt.

Linking to Needle & Thread Thursday, Put Your Foot Down, TGIFF!, Peacock Party, Whoop Whoop Party, Finished or Not  Friday, Off the Wall Friday, Patchwork & Quilts, Oh Scrap


  1. I love those scrappy blocks! And it looks so cozy in front of your fireplace. Nice work, Gretchen!

  2. Such a happy celebration of scrappy goodness! LOVE IT!!!

  3. Dear Gretchen,
    You are becoming a woman of quilts. Your whole cloth quilt, and now this scrappy one too. Hope you are settled into your new home and get to spend lots of quality time with the farmer. Life fly past and spending time together making memories is the best! Have a wonderful weekend.

  4. Your Indian hatchet quilt is marvelous! I'm so glad you finished it, even if it took years!

  5. The two sizes of triangles as well as the scrappiness catch the eye again and again. And that's my kind of backing!

  6. I can tell the scrap basket was used for this one - and betting you still have a lot of them to use - it never gets empty right?

  7. Looks great, Gretchen. Love that pieced back; I hate to piece backings, but it's a great way to use up otherwise unused fabric.

  8. It looks great and its certainly a good idea go piece the backing from nice big pieces of fabric.

  9. Such wonderful splashes of color! It's beautiful. Thanks for sharing.

  10. Indian Hatchet is amazing, Gretchen. What a beautiful design that must have taken a long time with all of the lovely scraps to cut , sort and play with. I bet looking over it brings back a lot of fond memories. Have a wonderful weekend . Happy quilting.

  11. Your Indian Hatchet quilt is a wonderful scrappy quilt! Congratulations

  12. I love this quilt! It's a good fit for a couch quilt too! The backing is great as well. Love the binding! Have a great weekend Gretchen!

  13. Your quilt is wonderful - I love scrappy quilts!
    Are you corner triangles various sizes or just 2? I have so many scrappy squares cut, looking for a fun way to use them up.
    Thanks for the inspiration!

  14. It's a lovely scrappy quilt, cozy for the couch! I love the binding too, all scraps!
    Thank you for sharing this pretty finish, and linking up!

  15. Congrats on a great finish!!! What a lovely way to use all those happy scraps!!!

  16. It turned out beautiful! Looks great on your sofa. :)
