Tuesday, November 15, 2022

Flower Patch Mystery SAL

As you know, most of my summer was spent in the process of moving from our old farmhouse to our new to us home 2 miles away. When I opened the 'to be quilted' closet and looked at those quilt flimsies, I decided I would 'move' some of them to Lori to be long arm quilted. I took 5 quilt tops to her in August and told her not to return them until after we've moved.

She delivered the quilts several weeks ago because she wanted to see the house. Four of the quilts have been bound and washed so the next several posts will be about the finishes.

The first quilt is the Flower Patch Mystery SAL which Denise organized.

Lori quilted this quilt with the Stacked Snails design. After washing, she measures 76" by 74". 

This quilt has traveled back to Phoenix with our daughter. The batting is a lightweight polyester batting, you don't need heavy quilts in Phoenix!

I think the cardinals make the quilt look Christmasy so I used this silver Christmas fabric for backing.

My mother must have bought the whole bolt of this silver poinsettia Hoffman fabric. I've been using it for years and I think this is the last of it but who knows, there may be some lurking in a tub somewhere.

Linking to To Do TuesdayMidweek MakersWednesday Wednesday Wait Loss, Put Your Foot Down,  Needle & Thread Thursday


  1. I am looking forward to seeing your finished beauties - lovely

  2. The cardinals are beautiful! I’m anxious to see the other finished quilts. Isn’t it amazing how many UFO’s you find when moving?

  3. The cardinals do make this a bit Christmasy but I think it could be used year round. Is is beautiful and will be perfect in Arizona. ~Jeanne

  4. I love this quilt, Gretchen! You're right, the cardinals do give it a Christmasy vibe but it's nice and subtle and will still feel seasonally appropriate into January and February when the Santas and holly have all been packed away. How are you settling into your new home? Moving house can be such an upheaval, mentally and emotionally stressful as well as physically exhausting.

  5. What a stunning quilt. Yea for using up (hopefully) fabric that you had a lot of. Nice that it found a home too.

  6. I had cardinals on my first quilt! I love yours, so pretty, and that backing is perfect. I'm looking forward to your parade of quilts. :) Thank you for sharing with To Do Tuesday!

  7. Great finish. I'm looking forward to the others.

  8. I had to laugh at "I think this is the last of it but who knows, there may be some lurking in a tub somewhere." Sounds so familiar to me!

  9. That is such a pretty quilt, blues with the cardinals. I'm sure you are p,eased your daughter is giving it a new home.

  10. Oh it is beautiful, Gretchen. Looking forward to seeing the others.

  11. I love this pattern. I downloaded the QAL blocks, but I was too busy at the time to work on it. I hope I can find time soon.

  12. I love those cardinals! What a gorgeous quilt. I'm glad you were able to turn them over to a longarm quilter - what a relief!

  13. I know I will enjoy your personal quilt show! This first one is a beauty, Gretchen.

  14. When I tried to leave a comment I was on my iPhone. I am trying again on my iMac! Love this quilt - it is a beautiful one. One of my favorites. Hugs

  15. What a beautiful quilt It's beautiful for Christmas, but I think it can be used all year round. I am also looking forward to see the others too.

  16. Beautiful! I've enjoyed seeing this quilt come together and now the finish!

  17. It's a beautiful finish. The backing is perfect for it. Can't wait to see the others that got to come out to play.

  18. This quilt is amazing, Gretchen . I do love the cardinals. This is a perfect quilt to have out for the winter. Happy quilting.

  19. Wow .... gorgeous! A lovely winter quilt!

  20. I have so loved this quilt as it was being built. So nice to see it all quilted and on a bed! I bet she'll love it. Thanks for sharing on Wednesday Wait Loss.
