Tuesday, February 8, 2022

Flowers in the Winter

I've started to write this post in July 2021. It's a lovely bright sunny day. The grass is green and flowers are blooming. Even though the forecast for the next 10 days is hot with humidity, I'm a happy person. I love summer!

I don't like winter very well, I especially hate ice! This post will be published in the winter sometime, probably in February when there have been too many dreary gray days.

I've taken pictures of flowers to remind me and you that summer will be coming, the sun will shine again and the flowers will be blooming.

Enjoy the show!

It's August now and the flowers are still blooming. The phlox smells wonderful!
These are my favorite day lilies, love these colors!

I hope you've enjoyed the flowers! I'm still working on  blocks for Double Delight.

The flowers make me smile. This is what we're dealing with after the 12" of snow we received last week.

This is a picture of the sledding hill.

The grandsons just leave the sledding equipment under the tree. Grandpa often has to stop and store them more safely so they don't get driven on.

As soon as it stops snowing, the rabbits are out running around again.

While it is snowing, the rabbits seek shelter under the bushes in my flower beds. They also fertilize my bushes!

Looking west across the fields, snow as far as you can see! Spring is on the way though, I just registered for the April Jane Stickle retreat!


  1. What a wonderful idea! I loved strolling through your garden. Lilies are my favorites too as well as roses. What are the white flowers with the pretty centers? Just told my husband yesterday that as much as I look forward to winter, I actually had a longing for spring. Yay on the retreat!
    Thank you for linking this pretty post with To Do Tuesday!

    1. Those are a variety of phlox. They used to be a darker pink but they crossed with a white variety. They are actually a very very soft lavender color.

  2. You are surrounded by white. I can image you are ready for the Spring and all colors that will come with the Season. I also love Spring and Summer, but this year Summer is a strange one where we live. No Sunshine, no higher temperatures, only, rain, rain and more rain.

  3. your remembrance of flowers is much appreciated!! I will be so glad for spring flowers to be popping open one after another over the next upcoming month

  4. Your flowers made me smile too. Bring on Spring!

  5. I really appreciate your beautiful flower post! That is a grand idea. No snow here and we need the moisture. I'll take it in any form. Rain, snow, or a combination. The weather gods can keep the ice though!!

  6. What a fun post, Gretchen! We're definitely all in need of color when it's the middle of February. Thanks for sharing your beautiful blooms!

  7. Hi,
    Love all your flowers, thanks for sharing. I've been browsing Burpee Seeds Catalogs for my
    selection of flowers for this year....I want every one of them...lol...but that's not possible,
    so I just order a few. Stay warm and have a great day!

  8. They are beautiful flowers but I have to admit I have always loved winter and snow...and I wish we'd get more of it. Ours is all melted now. (I think I just always need that break to focus on my quilting and other things inside after working so hard outside in the warm months!)

  9. I'm not a Winter person either, but I do love the quietness it brings to the whole surroundings - and when the sun reflects off of the snow - it makes for brighter indoors stitching. Loved seeing all your flower pictures - and the promise it brings; because no matter how long the Winter - Spring always comes again :)!

  10. How lovely to see those flowers! Spring is around the corner somewhere and then it will eventually be here and on it goes. Anticipation is the spice of life.

  11. Those flowers are wonderful to see this morning as I look out at snow on this cloudy day. Thanks for the bright spot! I don't mind winter as long as I can stay inside. ~Jeanne

  12. This is such a lovely post, Gretchen. I too am waiting for warmer weather. I got tickled seeing the grandkids sleds waiting for Grandpa to pick them up. It warms my heart to see signs of children at play outside. Have a wonderful evening.

  13. Thank you for giving us some reminders of summer and all it's prettiness! Does this mean you are starting a winter snow post, to have ready to release when we are all suffering from the heat and humidity this summer? Hope you'll take up the challenge! :)

    1. I'll leave that up to someone else. I don't dream about winter in the summer. Thanks for commenting!

  14. What a lovely idea! Thanks for sharing on Wednesday Wait Loss.
