Friday, February 11, 2022

Double Delight

The first group of 3.5" square in a square blocks for the rolling stone blocks are finished, all 256 of them!

I needed to cut more yellow squares and mistakenly cut them 1/8" smaller than they should have been. I may need to remake some of them, they don't look quite square but I'll worry about that when I'm sewing the blocks together.

There was no problem with squaring them up, they were definitely oversized!

Next to sew is the next group of 3.5" squares, the outside corner blocks. Once those blocks are completed, I can sew the rolling stone blocks together.

Double Delight is a free Bonnie Hunter pattern from her website. Scroll down to the bottom of the page where the old mysteries are listed.

Linking to Put Your Foot DownPeacock Party, TGIFF!, Finished Or Not Friday, Off the Wall Friday, Brag About Your Beauties, Patchwork & Quilts, Oh Scrap


  1. Dear Gretchen,
    Bonnie Hunter patterns are a delight to work with. Double delight with the blue and happy yellows looks beautiful. Have a wonderful day.

  2. Hi Gretchen, those are going to be lovely on a quilt. I think that I'm officially addicted to scraps - I got really excited by your mound of scraps! Oh well, to each her own I guess ;-) Have a great weekend.

  3. I love blues and yellow. I have some of the fabric line that you used in the center of the SnS blocks. Going to be a pretty quilt. Hugs

  4. Wow, what a pretty pattern when all put together!!! Yours will be beautiful in Swedish blue & yellow!!! And a great scrapbuster, as all of BH's patterns area!

  5. I’m sitting here today surrounded by scrap baskets, boxes and totes! Feeling overwhelmed! You’re an inspiration! I know there is light at the end of the tunnel!

  6. Great work with all those 256 square in a square blocks, Gretchen! Double Delight is a beautiful quilt.

  7. Pretty fabrics, and beautiful blocks. Well done with the 256 of them! That's a lot of blocks to square ;)

  8. I love square in a square blocks... not sure why I do but I always have... this project you are working on Gretchen has me mesmerised... looking forward to seeing more next week too!

  9. What pretty blocks... and a LOT of them!!!
