Sunday, February 6, 2022

Hearts & Wreaths

The 11th block for Hearts & Wreaths has been appliqued. Of course I think this is the prettiest one so far!

Here is a link to the first post about Hearts & Wreaths that gives more details.

Several weeks ago I took pictures of all the crib quilts I quilted and hung outside on the clothesline. Several people commented on the snow they saw in the photos. Those little clumps were just what were left from a prior snow, not very pretty.

This is snow! When the sun shines, it's really bright because it reflects off the snow. When it's overcast, it looks like this, gray/brown/black silhouettes. 

Around midnight the other night, I looked out the bathroom window and saw two rabbits sitting in the snow. They must have been waiting for the rest of the gang to show up to party because this is what it looked like the next morning!

(Since I wrote this post earlier last week, we received 12" of snow!)

Linking to Kathys Slow Stitching Sunday, Stitching Stuff, Oh Scrap, Show & Tell Monday, Monday Making, Handmade Monday, Design Wall Monday, BOM's Away


  1. We only get one or two rabbits at a time, but then again we live in the suburbs. I love the fabrics that you used for the hearts in this block. Enjoy your stitching. Stay warm.

  2. It is very hard choosing a favorite block among so many wonderful blocks.
    Oh My, there is a lot of snow outside.
    Stay warm.

  3. Gretchen... I love your hearts and wreaths blocks... but I love them all and can't wait to see enough to make the quilt you envision! One day when covid is a thing of the past (maybe???) you can teach me to applique as beautifully as you do and I will be caught up with all the things that keep me too busy to learn properly now! lol
    Hope you braved the 12" of snow ok... wow that is a lot! Hope you didn't lose power! Kathi

    1. We were concerned about the electric since we had rain before it turned to snow. It's the ice that brings tree limbs on the electric lines. The farmer did have the tractors plugged in and the generator ready to go but fortunately they weren't needed.

  4. I was a bit on the fence about the yellow background, but now that I see it 'in action', I understand. It really just reads as a warm neutral. Excellent choice!

    1. Thanks! I've used white and cream as background for other applique quilts. I wanted something different this time and I think the yellow is working well.

  5. Such a pretty block! Those rabbits sure had a party!

  6. That is a lot of snow. I live in Texas and do not like snow. LOL It is pretty, but so cold. That is a pretty block.

  7. you got a lot of snow - my sister in law lives in Indiana which I believe is where you are? and she had mentioned a lot of snow. I love your wreaths and yes that is a lot of rabbit tracks!

  8. Another amazing block! I think you're right, each one is prettier than the last. Twelve inches of snow--wow. We haven't had anything like that yet this year in Wisconsin. Love the rabbit party.

  9. Another spectacular Hearts and Wreaths block. Your collection is growing and I can't wait to see how you put them together. Rabbit party just might be a sign of bunnies on the way!!! :) Thank you for your earlier amaryllis "how to's". My latest spike is in full bloom right now with four orange/red beauties. I'm going to follow your steps and see if I can get them to re-bloom next year.

  10. I cannot choose a favourite of your Hearts and Wreaths blocks, as all are beautiful. Goodness, now that is a lot of snow....freezing! Love the patterns in the snow of the rabbit tracks. I am surprised there weren't a few frozen bunnies to be seen in the morning. =)

  11. The colours are so pretty in your latest wreath block, the applique looks like fun.You're making good progress

  12. The colors in your block are popping, Gretchen. Such a winter wonderland, Gretchen. I guess those bunnies did have a party. Lol. Happy quilting.

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  14. The heart and wreath block is full of scrappy goodness, very pretty. That's a lot of snow! We just got 8", but our neighborhood wild bunnies seem to manage it just fine.

  15. Each block is beautiful! You will have a beautiful quilt soon! The North is really getting the cold winter weather. Glad you did not have to use the generator. Yup it was a Rabbit Party! Have a great week. Hugs

  16. Every one of these Hearts and Wreaths blocks has been beautiful. It will be a fabulous quilt. We normally would have snow this time of year in SD, but we're in a drought so it's just cold and brown outside. We need some snow badly.

  17. Bunny tracks, what a great name for a quilt. I'll have to think about that one!

  18. Your block is indeed beautiful as is the snow in the trees.

  19. So beautiful. This is all the color I need in the middle of winter.
